Structure of the Fixed Assets Module

The structure of the information contained in the Fixed Assets module is divided into three levels.

At the top level are the asset groups, which represent assets of a similar character or purpose. At the second level are the actual assets assigned to an asset group. The third level contains the entries describing the transactions which have been carried out for the asset.

The asset groups have two purposes. One is to sort the financial transactions for the assets in the group; the other is to secure full integration to the general ledger. The grouping of the assets is required by law in some countries, since the total number of transactions represented in the group is used when accounts are closed at year end. Integration with the general ledger is secured by attaching each type of transaction to a separate G/L account.

All assets are associated with a company. Whether a given user can see a given asset depends on whether he has access to the company to which the asset belongs. This applies to both the asset information card and any entries regarding the asset in question. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to assets may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

In the window Users in the Set-Up module, you can attach a user to a company, and you can assign an access level to each company in the Company Information window in the G/L module.