Setup Overtime Pay for Employees

Use these steps to set up overtime pay for employees.

To set up overtime pay for employees:

  1. Create or find the Compensation Type you want to use.
  2. Enter a name for overtime type.

    For example, if you want to use a simple flat rate pay type, enter “Overtime Flat Rate.” If the overtime is based on weekends, enter “Overtime for Weekends.”

  3. In the Based on Job Entries field, select Time Sheet.
  4. In the Based on Overtime Spec. field, select Paid Overtime.
  5. In the Payout Days field, select the appropriate type of payout days you want to use with this overtime type.
  6. If the Payout Days type is Weekend Days, select the appropriate Based on Week Day option.
  7. Enter the amount of hours needed for the Threshold, Working Hours and Limit, Working Hours fields.
  8. Select Allow Joint Agreements if you want multiple agreements to be applicable for the employee.
  9. Complete remaining fields as needed.
  10. Click Save.