Set Up Date-Dependent Derivations

As an additional option, you can set up derivations so that they occur only within a set time period.

If you create a period-specific set of derived dimension values (such as employee works out of a particular office for three months), the values to derive from that employee are retrieved from the Derived Dimensions window.

In the Derived Dimensions window, each dimension value, job, employee, and so on, can be set up to derive one set of dimension values in one period and another set of values in another period.

Note: You cannot set up a date-dependent derivation of company numbers.


If employee Hugo Rune is changing from office A to office B on May 1, 2015 due to a move, you can create two sets of derived dimensions:

  • One that is valid until April 30, 2015 and derives location A.
  • One that is valid from May 1, 2015, and going forward and derives location B.

Each time that you add or update an entry where information must be derived from Hugo Rune, Maconomy will use the entry date of the entry to determine which of the two sets of dimension values apply.

Instead of creating period-specific sets of derived dimensions, you could change the information in the Derived Dimensions island in Hugo Rune’s information card. However, with that approach, any subsequent entries back-dated to before May 1 will use the new, updated information (location B) rather than the correct value of location A.

Use the Derived Dimensions window to set-up and use date-dependent derivation.