Self Service

Notifications quickly inform the concerned employees when they need to perform a specific action. Some notifications have been available from 2.6.1.

Click the bell icon on the top right corner of the screen to view the dropdown that lists your pending actions.

Weekly Time Sheets

Notification Description
SubmitTimeSheet Appears for the user to indicate the pending submission of time sheets. This notification points to the relevant time sheet.
RejectedTimeSheetApprovalHierarchy Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted time sheet has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant time sheet.
RejectedTimeSheetLines Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted time sheet line has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant time sheet, with the rejected line highlighted.
TimeSheetNotCreated Appears for the user to indicate a time sheet is not submitted for the week. By default, all missing time sheets within the last two months are included. This notification points to the Weekly Time Sheets workspace.

Daily Time Sheets

Notification Description
SubmitDailyTimeSheet Appears for the user to indicate the pending submission of daily time sheets. This notification points to the relevant daily time sheet.
DailyTimeSheetNotCreated Appears for the user to indicate a time sheet is not submitted for the day. By default, all missing time sheets within the last two months are included. This notification points to the Daily Time Sheets workspace.

Expense Sheets

Notification Description
SubmitExpenseSheet Appears for the user to indicate the pending submission of expense sheets. This notification points to the relevant expense sheet.
RejectedExpenseSheet Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted expense sheet has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant expense sheet.
RejectedExpenseSheetLines Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted expense sheet line has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant expense sheet, with the rejected line highlighted.

Mileage Sheets

Notification Description
SubmitMileageSheet Appears for the user to indicate the pending submission of mileage sheets. This notification points to the relevant mileage sheet.
RejectedMileageSheet Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted mileage sheet has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant mileage sheet.
RejectedMileageSheetLines Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted mileage sheet line has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant mileage sheet, with the rejected line highlighted.


Notification Description
ApprovedAbsenceCalendarLines Appears for the absence requester to indicate that the absence request is approved. It also indicates the relevant request in the Absence workspace.
RejectedAbsenceCalendarLines Appears for the absence requester to indicate that the absence request has been rejected. This notification will point to the relevant request in the Absence workspace.
SubmitAllowanceRequestAbsenceEntries Appears to alert employees that they have created but not submitted an allowance request.
ApprovedAllowanceRequestAbsenceEntries Similar to "Approved Absence," but for Allowance requests.
RejectedAllowanceRequestAbsenceEntries Similar to "Approved Absence," but for Allowance requests.