Selection Criterion Statements Workspace

Maconomy creates and stores the interpreted SQL-statement for a target group in the Selection Criterion Statements single dialog workspace.

You can create the SQL-statement manually from the Selection Criterion Specification single dialog workspace when you run the Validate and Export Statements action. Note that Maconomy also creates the SQL-statements automatically the first time you run these actions. Thus, you cannot create, change, or delete the data in this workspace manually.

The Selection Criteria Statement Section tab shows information related to the primary relation, and optionally displays information about secondary relations. For each of the secondary relations, Maconomy shows the internal relation name and the join between the primary and secondary relations. Additionally, the Selection Criteria Statement Lines sub-tab shows the SQL-sub-statement that corresponds to the restrictions that you specified in the Selection Criterion Specification Lines sub-tab of the Selection Criterion Specification single dialog workspace. Maconomy creates one section for each group of target group lines separated by the outer logical operation “OR”.