Selection Criterion Specification

Maconomy saves the created SQL-statement in the database through the Validate action.

Thus, it no longer needs to interpret the target group every time you use it. Additionally, you can use the Export Statement action in the Selection Criterion Specification single dialog workspace to export the SQL statements created when you validate selection criterion specifications. It creates a file with the saved SQL-statements.

Note that Maconomy adds a fixed condition to the SQL-statement when it is executed in Maconomy. The fixed statement becomes a restriction on the instance key for the primary cursor:

“InternalRelationName.InstanceKey = ‘InstanceKeyValue’”

You can then use the exported SQL-statement to validate that you created the correct target group specification. Maconomy validates a non-validated selection criterion before it tries to export the SQL-statement.

The non-validated selection criterion specification may also be validated indirectly if you use the Export Statement action, or if you use the selection criterion specification. For example, you use the selection criterion specification when you submit any data that use the specification in the approval hierarchies. The selection criterion specification is marked as not validated if the specification is changed.