Charges Concepts

Charges can include handling charges, postage, and so forth.

A charge can be a fixed amount or Maconomy can calculate it from a charge table in the Charge Tables workspace. When Maconomy calculates from a charge table, the charge amount depends on the information in the sales order, for example, how much does the total sales order weigh, which destination is the order assigned to, and so on. You specify the calculation basis of the charge amount on the individual line in the charge table. See the Charge Tables workspace for a description of charge tables and charge calculation.

If Maconomy is to calculate the current charge from a charge table, you can use the Charge Table field to indicate whether Maconomy should always calculate the charge from the same charge table or whether Maconomy should use the charge table specified on the individual order. A fixed charge table can, for example, be used for general freight charges, and charges calculated from the charge table on the individual sales order can be used in cases where you want the freight charges to depend on the customer.

This workspace displays all of the amounts in enterprise currency. When you transfer a charge to a quote or an order, Maconomy converts the amount into the currency that you assigned to the current quote or order.

For auditing purposes, it is recommended that you print and file the Charges workspace every time that you change it. Use the Print action in the workspace.