Resourcing Concepts

In this module, you can perform detailed planning based on job budgets, including planning the internal and external use of resources, time frames, and so on.

In addition, you can generate reports to give you an overview of each job’s use of time, employee plans, available time, and so on.

The workspaces in this module are only available if you have acquired Maconomy’s Resource Planning add-on. However, if you have acquired the Human Resource add-on, you have access to the skill-related workspaces in the Set-Up submenu.

This section includes:

  • Allocation
  • Lookup
  • Reporting
  • Set-Up

The Resource Planning module is an add-on module to Maconomy.

In this module, you can make detailed planning of the company’s employees. It is also possible to get information on whether one or more employees have been allocated too few or too many hours compared to the hours the employee in question is available. Moreover, you can define whether or not an employee is at the company’s disposal within a given time frame and whether or not the employee can be included in the resource planning.

In the window Employee Categories in the Set-Up module, you can assign each employee to one or more categories. On the basis of these categories you can then plan for the company’s resources without having to specify certain employees, but specifying only the categories. This kind of planning can be advantageous where a company wants to make plans for its resources, but cannot predict which employees will be available at a given time, or which employees will be best suited to carry out a given task in the future. If the company has decided by which category of employees a given task is to be carried out, it can now make plans on the basis of this category instead.

The Resource Planning module is integrated with the Job Cost module, which must therefore also be available for you to use the Resource Planning module. Detailed planning can be made as an independent plan in this module or as a refinement of existing job budgets’ estimates created in the windows Job Budgets or Job Planning. The Job Cost module offers you the possibility of making overall planning by means of estimates for the total number of resources that will be used within a given time frame. In the Resource Planning module, you can make more detailed planning, typically for each job some weeks ahead in time. In this module, you can thus define which employee should carry out which tasks for how long time, on which dates.

When refining a job budget by planning which employee should carry out work on which task, this module allows the planner to take employees’ skills into account. Each employee can be assigned a number of skills, and if this information has been entered, it is possible to require that a given task should be performed by an employee with specific skills. This is done by assigning a number of skills to job budget lines of planning budgets in the window Skill Requirements, or alternatively in the window Job Planning in the Job Cost module. If skill requirements have been specified for a number of tasks, the detailed planning will reflect these requirements. When an employee is allocated for a task, the system checks whether this employee has the skills required for the task specified on the current job budget line.