Resource Utilization

This report enables the Department Manager and management to monitor resource utilization.

The report summarizes on the company and department level and allows you to drill down to the different departments and view the utilization by employee (for example, the sales price per hour, hours on internal and external projects, and so forth). You can also drill down to the individual employee level to see how he or she performed on different projects to reach the utilization shown on the previous level.

In addition, the following set of reports is available:

  • Customer profitability: This report provides managers with an overview of the profitability of each customer. The profitability can be measured in terms of such items as “Revenue,” “Gross Margin I,” “Gross Margin II,” and “Write-ups/Downs.”
  • Sales pipeline: This report shows the pipeline based on entered opportunities accrued over time. This report requires the CRM add-on.
  • Realization: This report provides an overview of realized numbers for individual employees in terms of hours for invoicing, invoiced hours and values, adjustments up and down, and earnings per employee.