Reports in Maconomy

The data written in each of the two types of report is taken from the Sales Orders module, in the form of invoices and credit notes, and from the Item Purchase module in the form of item receipts.

The relevant information is extracted and stored every month in a report in the EU Statistics module. The report contains the same number of entries as in the statistics. Each entry is divided into the same number of lines as there are item lines in the invoices, credit memos, and item purchase orders. These lines are not included in the report to the tax authorities, but they are a useful reference.

The sales list system reports contain an entry for each customer, identified by the customer’s tax number. The reports are made for one company at a time, meaning that Maconomy only considers transactions for which the company in question is responsible when creating entries in a report.

The Intrastat report contains an entry for every combination of CN code, country, transaction type, and transport mode. The report is divided up into import and export declarations, which are made in separate forms. As in the case of sales list system reports, Intrastat reports are made for one company at a time, meaning that Maconomy only considers transactions for which the company in question is responsible when creating entries.