Project Structure

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Elements

The solution is built on standard templates from which you can create a number of additional templates. Project Managers often want to add project-specific tasks at the lowest level in order to budget and enter project costs and revenue. The solution also enables Project Managers to build their own WBS. The solution is set up to support seven levels in the WBS structure.

You can also maintain a flat project structure with a set of tasks subordinated to a project. We recommend keeping this simple and starting with a plain task list for the projects, thereby not enabling a full WBS. The following figure illustrates how our standard solution is set up.

Project Structure

The project reflects the specific work to be performed for a given customer. There may be different criteria from company to company on what qualifies as a project.

The top level of a project is the main project. You can break a project down into subprojects if certain deliverables and responsibilities are dispersed among different departments and the revenue must follow the department that owns the project, or if you want to monitor a major project in minor parts. In addition, the breakdown into subprojects may affect revenue recognition and differ from subproject to subproject if required.

The task is the lowest level in the WBS. This is the level where the employee registers time and costs.