Project Planning and Staffing

People Planner offers project-planning capabilities, enabling you to break down the project (full WBS), or inherit the WBS and budget from Maconomy.

In the project planning window, you can set the timeline for the project in a graphical user interface. In the same project planning window, you can enter the budget values for the project or derive the values from the budget.

Most Deltek clients use a very simple approach to project staffing to ensure that all plans are always fully updated (but the software supports planning on all levels of the WBS). This means that project staffing is performed at the project level. In the following figure, you can see the Project Planning tab in the top of the window. The project plan is synchronized with the Resource Gantt Chart at the bottom, where you can search for available resources while you create the project plan.

When you plan all project requests in this way, it ensures that the complete resource situation is updated and provides resource managers with a full overview so that they can spot available capacity that can be better used.