Number Series Tab

This section includes fields and descriptions for the Number Series tab of the Number Series workspace.

Number Series Tab

Field Description
Number Series Copy to come.
Prefix This field shows the text for the first part of the compound number in the current number series. If a prefix has been specified for the current company in the field "Number Series" in the workspace Company Information, the company prefix will be placed in front of the prefix in this field.
Next Number This field shows the next number in the current series. "Next Number" must be an integer. If you select 0 as the number, the current number series will not be used. When the number series has been in use, Maconomy automatically updates "Next Number."
Suffix This field shows the last part of the compound number in the current number series.
Last Number In this field, you select the highest number that the number in the current number series may reach. If you select 0 as "Last Number," there will be no upper limit to the numbers in the current number series.
No. of Digits In this field, you enter the number of digits of which numbers in the current series should consist, not including prefix and suffix. If the number in the field "Next Number" contains fewer digits, Maconomy will add the necessary number of zeroes between the prefix and the number in the field "Next Number" to make the next number reach this number of digits. The zeroes are not added in this workspace, but will appear on the actual numbers assigned to entries in Maconomy. If you select 0 as "Last Number," the number of digits in "Next Number" is allowed to surpass the number of digits specified in the field "No. of Digits."