Job Parameters

When you have entered a job number, a customer number, and other relevant information on the job in question and press RETURN, Maconomy also derives the relevant job parameters.

The relevant job parameters are selected in accordance with the job parameter selection rules created in the Job Parameter Selection Rules window. The values derived to a job can be inspected and changed in the Job Parameter Selection window. See the description of the Attribute Name field in the sub-tab of the Job Parameters window for at detailed description of the available job parameters and their associated values.

The job parameters assigned to a job can be rederived manually in the Job Parameter Selection window. However, Maconomy may rederive job parameters automatically:

  • If the Always Derive Job Parameters field in the Job Parameter Derivation Fields window is selected, Maconomy rederives job parameters automatically whenever any change is made to a job (for example, if the job name is changed).
  • If the Always Derive Job Parameters field in the window Job Parameter Derivation Fields is deselected, Maconomy rederives job parameters when any of the job setup fields listed in the sub-tab of the window mentioned is changed.
  • If the Always Derive Job Parameters field in the Job Parameter Derivation Fields window is deselected and no fields are listed in the sub-tab, job parameters must be rederived manually in the Job Parameter Selection window, if necessary.

There are two reasons for not wanting Maconomy to rederive job parameters whenever the job changes. Firstly, the process of job parameter rederivation has a certain impact on performance, so it is beneficial to limit the amount of rederivation. Secondly, you achieve more control over your job by specifying explicitly which job fields should initiate the rederivation of job parameters the parameters do not get changed by accident.

As changes on a job might imply that the job parameters previously used on the job are no longer considered valid for that job, the job parameters used on the job are changed by Maconomy in accordance with the priorities and selection criterion specifications specified on the relevant job parameter selection rules created in the Job Parameter Selection Rules window.

See the descriptions of the Job Parameters, Job Parameter Selection Rules, and Job Parameter Derivation Fields windows for more information about how job parameters are assigned to a given job.