Job Creation and Maintenance

In Deltek CRM, the Maconomy tab on the Project and on the Firm contains information about the Maconomy integration.

Note: When you run the integration, you must have edit access to the fields on the Maconomy tab in Projects and Firms.

When a project is created in Deltek CRM, you can indicate on the project that Proposal and Fee Projects should be created in Maconomy. To do this, ensure that the fields for project creation are selected in Deltek CRM. A background task in Maconomy polls the Deltek CRM database for opportunities for which Proposal or Fee Projects must be created. Based on the output, a project is created in Maconomy, taking information from Deltek CRM about customer, company, project name, and so on, as well as basic project setup from a template job.

You can indicate on a firm (customer) in Deltek CRM the creation of a Relationship Project in Maconomy.

Fields on the projects in Maconomy are populated with basic information about the job type (Proposal, Fee, or Relationship), project name, project ID, and project status from Deltek CRM.

When a project is created in Maconomy, basic information about Maconomy project number, name, and status flow back to Deltek CRM.

When a project is created from a Deltek CRM project, some fields are closed on the Deltek CRM project and are modified only in Maconomy (for example, start date, end date, and project manager).

A Deltek CRM project closed as Lost generates two notifications for the project manager in Maconomy that Proposal and Fee jobs can be closed.

A Deltek CRM project closed as Won generates a notification for the project manager in Maconomy that the Deltek CRM project is won (indicating that the fee job can be submitted for final approval).

Deltek CRM projects closed as won or lost will continue to be updated with Maconomy job information. Only the budget amount will remain unchanged.