Information Tab

This section includes fields and descriptions for the Information tab of the Company Customer workspace.

Information Tab

Field Description
Address This field shows the address of the company customer.
Contact Person This field shows the contact person of the company customer.
Phone In this field, you enter the customer's telephone number. The information is used for reference.
Email Here you can enter the customer's electronic mail address. The field is used for reference.
Sales Person In this field, you can enter the sales person of the company customer.
Account Manager In this field, you can enter the account manager of the company customer.
Other Values In this field, you can enter information to the following:
Parent Customer
Specification 1
Customer Group
Bill to Customer

VAR and Tax Island

Field Description
Tax No. In this field, you enter the customer's number that relates to the field "Tax." If you have entered tax number validation rules for the customer's country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the tax number complies with these validation rules.
Company Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created.
Tax In this field, you specify whether to charge the customer tax on a normal basis. If the field is marked, Maconomy adds tax. The value can be changed on individual orders.
Company Reg. No In this field, you can enter the customer's company registration number if you are dealing with a company. If you have entered company registration number validation rules for the customer's country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the company registration number complies with these validation rules. The completion of this field is optional.
Soc. Security No, In this field, you can enter the customer's Social Security number if you are dealing with a private person.

Pricing Island

Field Description
Currency In this field, you select the customer's standard currency. All customer transactions are converted into the customer's standard currency. This means you can print and send account statements in the customer's own currency.
Job Price List In this field, you can select a job price list for the calculation of prices.
Invoice Layout In this field, you can enter an invoice layout rule. The specified rule will be suggested on every new job created with the current customer as the bill-to customer. The field must be completed, and Maconomy will automatically suggest the first rule created, when a new customer is created. Please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules in the Job Cost module for further information.
Detailed Invoice Specification Use this field to select a detailed invoice specification.
Language In this field, you select the language of the customer. The selected language is used, for example, on printouts of item descriptions on sales order documents and in connection with language texts.

Payment Terms Island

Field Description
Payment Terms Here you select the payment terms that will normally apply to the customer. These terms are used to calculate the date an invoice becomes due for payment.
Credit Limit, Company Level In this field, you can enter the credit limit of the company customer per company level.
Customer Payment Mode In this field you select the mode in which the customer will normally be paying.
Control Account Here you can select a posting reference to a G/L account. All entries to the customer are posted to the General Ledger to the A/R control account specified here.
Company Reg. No In this field, you can enter the customer's company registration number if you are dealing with a company.

Invoice Information Island

Field Description
Show Customer Balances On Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer's prior and new balance on the job invoice printout.
Show Customer Statement On Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer statement on the job invoice printout.
Show Customer Aging On Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the A/R aging on the job invoice printout.

Interest Charge/Reminder Control Island

Field Description
Interest Charge/Reminder Principle In this field, you specify the interest charge/reminder principle to be used for the current customer. Interest charge/reminder principles are maintained in the window Interest Charge/Reminder Principles. For further information about interest charge/reminder principles, see the description of this window.
Reminder Text Group In this field, you can specify the name of a reminder text group that you want to associate with the dispatch of reminder letters to the current customer. For further information about reminder texts, see the description of the windows Reminder Texts and Reminder Text Groups.
Previous Interest Charge Notice This field displays the last interest charge date of the current customer. The date in this field is set on the basis of the date in the corresponding field on the assigned company-specific customer's payment information cards. The customer's last interest charge is therefore the last of the company-specific customer's registered interest charge dates.
Reminder Level This field displays the reminder level of the customer. The customer's reminder level equals the highest reminder level specified on an entry for the current customer. The reminder level is raised by 1 for each time a reminder is sent to the customer. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed in this window.
Reminder Date This field displays the last reminder date of the current customer. If the current company-specific customer has been assigned to a parent customer, the date in this field will affect the date displayed in the corresponding field on the parent customer's payment information card.

E-Voicing Island

Field Description
Electronic Address

Use this field to enter the e-mail address to which business documents should be delivered.

This field is mandatory if e-invoicing is enabled.

Electronic Address Scheme

Use this field to specify the electronic address scheme (EAS) identifier for the e-mail address you specified.

This field is mandatory if e-invoicing is enabled.

For a list of the available codes, refer to the following URL:

Enable Invoicing Mark this field if you want to enable invoicing.
Job Cost Invoice Peppol Mapping Use this field to select a company customer-specific mapping for job cost invoices.
Job Cost Credit Memo Mapping Use this field to select a company customer-specific mapping for job cost credit memos.
Order Invoice Mapping Use this field to select a company customer-specific mapping for order invoices.
Order Credit Memo Mapping Use this field to select a company customer-specific mapping for order credit memos.

Allowed Use Island

Field Description
Intercompany Customer Specify if the customer can be used as an intercompany customer.
G/L Budgets Specify whether this customer can be used in a G/L or job budget. Maconomy validates when the job budget is created, a G/L budget line is created or changed, and when the G/L budget is approved.
Registrations Specify whether this customer can be used in a general journal or in bank reconciliation. Maconomy validates when the line is created or changed, and when the journal is posted, or the bank reconciliation is approved.
Payments Specify whether this customer can be used for payments. Maconomy only validates customer payments created in the customer payment window. The validation in the G/L journal and bank reconciliation windows is based on the Registrations field.
Reporting Specify whether this customer can be used in standard customer reports.
Template/Parent Customer Specify whether this customer may be used as a template or parent customer. A template customer can be entered into system information or company information. Maconomy suggests the template customer as parent customer when a new customer is created. Maconomy validates when the new customer is created.
Interests and Reminders Specify whether this customer may be used as a template or parent customer. A template customer can be entered into system information or company information. Maconomy suggests the template customer as parent customer when a new customer is created. Maconomy validates when the new customer is created.
Jobs and Orders Specify whether this customer may be used on a job, sales order, or subscription order. Maconomy validates when the sales order or subscription order is created or changed, and when the invoice is approved/printed. Maconomy also validates when the job is created. You can still use a customer on a template job even if they are not allowed for use on jobs.
Delivery Specify whether deliveries on either sales or subscription orders in which the current customer acts as payment or delivery customer can be made to this customer.

Linking, Access Level, User

Field Description
Linking Rule In this field, you can specify the linking rule that you want to use for the current customer.
Company Specific Linking Rule In this field, you can specify the linking rule that you want to use for the current company-specific customer.
Access Level In this field, you can enter the name of the user access level to which the user is to have access.
Created by This field shows the user and the date the company customer was created.
Changed by This field shows the user and the date the company customer information was modified.