Global and Local Dimensions

Maconomy has 12 dimensions, with 10 that are truly definable for your company’s unique reporting needs.

The two dimensions that are not definable are Company (Entity), and Account (G/L Account). These two dimensions must be used as designed.

The other 10 dimensions give you the flexibility to determine how you would like to see your firm’s key metrics, such as Gross Margin and Profitability. Your company can decide whether to use all or just some of these 10 “open” dimensions.

There are seven “global” dimensions, which are common to all companies in your system, and three “local” dimensions, which are specific to each company within your system (assuming you have multiple companies setup in your environment).

The most common application of local dimensions is to support statutory requirements for the chart of accounts. For instance, if you have a US company with an entity in France, this may require you report transactions in both your US Consolidated chart of accounts as well as meet the local French statutory requirement for the chart of accounts. Thus, Maconomy supports this requirement through the concept of Local Dimensions.

If you do not have the above requirement related to having multiple chart of accounts, it is also possible to use the Local Dimensions as you would regular, Global, dimensions. Thus, you have up to 10 opportunities to determine how you would like to tag information for reporting purposes.