Information Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Information tab of the Vendors workspace.

Tab Fields

Field Description
Address Enter the address of the vendor.
Pay to Vendor By default, this field displays the name and number of the current vendor.

If a different vendor should receive payment for the delivery, click the field and use the name or number search dropdowns to specify that vendor instead.

When payment is sent to the Pay to Vendor, the current (or delivery) vendor is debited that amount.

Settling Company Use the name or number search dropdowns to specify a settling company for the current vendor.

This settling company will apply to all vendor invoices, item purchase orders, and so on, where the current vendor is specified as the Pay to Vendor.

Vendor Group Select a value from the dropdown.

This field is used to classify vendors (for example, by trade).

Define vendor group values using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Control Account Select a value from the dropdown.

The control account is a reference to two G/L accounts: a vendor control account, and an account for non-balanced entries.

All vendor entries are posted to the general ledger, specifically to the control account specified in this field. Accounts payable is thus a specification of A/P control accounts in the general ledger.

You can use control accounts to group your vendors in the general ledger (for example, foreign and domestic vendors).

The account for non-balanced entries is used to manage your accounts when item deliveries and invoices are not received at the same time. When you approve item deliveries to the warehouse, the inventory value account is debited and the non-balanced entries account is credited. When the vendor invoices are registered at a later date, the items are credited to the vendor control account and debited to the account for non-balanced entries. You thus avoid any accounting problems, when items are delivered in one posting period and the corresponding vendor invoice is received in another.

Specify references to control accounts by means of dimension combinations using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Regional island

Field Description
Area Select a value from the dropdown.

Maconomy uses the specified area when a purchase order or vendor invoice is created.

Define area values using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Segment Select a value from the dropdown.

Maconomy uses the specified segment when a purchase order or vendor invoice is created.

Define segment values using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Enterprise Select a value from the dropdown.

Maconomy uses the specified enterprise when a purchase order or vendor invoice is created.

Define enterprise values using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Language Select a value from the dropdown.

Maconomy uses the specified language for the current vendor for printouts and statistics.

Define language values using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Currency To specify a standard currency for the current vendor, Select a value from the dropdown.

All the current vendor's transactions are converted to the specified currency. This currency will also be applied to payments to the current vendor. This means you can print and send out account statements in the current vendor's own currency.

To avoid inconsistencies, you cannot change the value of this field if entries have been posted or are ready for posting to the current vendor.

Define standard currency values using the Popup Fields single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Note: All vendor transactions are registered in the following currencies:
  • Standard Currency - The currency the vendor has requested to use, and the currency in which payments to the vendor are usually made.
  • Company Base Currency - The currency selected as base currency for the company responsible for a given transaction.
  • Enterprise Currency - The currency specified as enterprise currency in the System Information single dialog of the Workspace Client.
  • Original Currency - The original currency of a given transaction.
Comp. Reg. No. If the current vendor is a company, enter their company registration number in this field.

If there are company registration number validation rules specified for the current vendor's country in the Rules of Validation single dialog of the Workspace Client, Maconomy checks if this number complies with those rules.

This is a free-text field.

Tax No. Enter the tax number of the current vendor.

If there are tax number validation rules specified for the current vendor's country in the Rules of Validation single dialog of the Workspace Client, Maconomy checks if this number complies with those rules.

This is a free-text field.

Social Security No. Enter the social security number of the current vendor.

This is a free-text field.

Disclosable Select this checkbox to indicate that the current vendor is disclosable.

When reporting to tax authorities, you need to distinguish between disclosable and tax-exempt services for disclosable invoices.

You cannot mark a vendor as disclosable without first filling in either the Comp. Reg. No. or Social Security No. field on the Information tab of the Vendors workspace.

Statistics 1-4, Value Select a value from the dropdown.

Maconomy uses the specified value for computing various statistics such as 1099 reporting (in the US) and B-income tax (in Denmark) in connection with support for disclosable tax.

Define the options for these fields using the Options Lists single dialog in the Workspace Client.