Registrations Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Registrations tab of the Mileage workspace.

Tab Fields

Field Description
Entry Date Enter a date for this mileage expense.
Favorite In this field, you can select a favorite.
Note: Choosing a favorite may change other details specified for the mileage sheet line, such as the job or task.
Job No. Use this or the Job Name field to specify the job for which you are incurring the mileage expense.

Filling out one field will auto-populate the other.

Job Name Use this or the Job No. field to specify the job for which you are incurring the mileage expense.

Filling out one field will auto-populate the other.

Quantity Specify the number of units of the current activity for which a mileage expense is incurred.
Amount This field displays the total expense amount for the current activity in the currency chosen in the Currency field. The mileage rate is derived by setup in the system.
Vehicle In this field, select a vehicle from the drop-down list.
From Enter the starting point of the mileage expense. This is a free-text field.
To Enter the ending point of the mileage expense. This is a free-text field.
Document Use this field to attach a document to the current mileage sheet line.

You can attach a document from your local storage, or select one from those already uploaded to the Documents tab of this workspace.

Tab Actions

Button Description
The Row Tools icon allows you to add lines/information to the lines of a record.

For lines in the Registrations tab, choose from the following actions:

  • Insert Mileage Sheet Line
  • Delete Mileage Sheet Line
  • Create favorite
  • Attach Document to Line
  • View Document
+ Add Mileage Sheet Line Click this action to add another entry line to the bottom of the mileage sheet.
Click to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.

Click to maximize the table view.

Click to restore the default display size of the table.

Click to open the Customize Columns window.