General Application

Defect 1686304

Special Character Cut the Email Address Hyperlink

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Email addresses that included locale-based special characters were only partially displayed as a hyperlink. This has now been resolved; the entire email address is now clickable.

Defect 1847569

Arrow Buttons Beside Calendar Did Not Work for Weeks With No Timesheets

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

If the Create Time Sheets Automatically system parameter was disabled in the Workspace Client, the Previous and Next arrow buttons on either side of the Date Range Display link in the web client's Weekly Time Sheets workspace did not allow you to navigate to any week for which no timesheets had been created. This is now corrected. In addition, the arrow buttons are now disabled while the workspace is loading data.

Defect 1853529

Cached Version of Config.js Caused Web Client Upgrade Failure

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Web client upgrades occasionally failed due to a browser caching issue with the config.js file. This is now fixed.

Defect 1862555

User Validity End Date Incorrectly Displayed

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

The issue with the web client incorrectly displaying the user validity end date is now corrected.

Defect 1865124

Limit Visibility of Records Not Included in Filter Restriction

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Filter restrictions in the web client workspaces support the user by providing easy access to relevant records. However, users could still open records outside of the filter restrictions available to them, and this caused some confusion. This is corrected. Now, only the records included in the filter are visible to the user currently logged in. If a record is not included in a filter, the workspace will display empty fields.

Defect 1871492

Unconventional Configuration Syntax for Analyzer

The Analyzer configuration files are now moved to a new ../Shell/Analyzer/.. folder.

If you are upgrading from 2.6.x to 2.6.2, take note of the following:

  • The files that contain Analyzer configuration settings are now in a new subfolder. Specifically:





    are now found in a new Analyzer subfolder:





  • If you made changes to any of the moved files, you need to copy those changes over to the files in their new location.
  • A new file is added to the new subfolder​: ../Shell/Analyzer/Analyzer.json.
  • The ../Shell/Shell.json file is updated to reflect these changes, and now includes the Analyzer.json file (instead of the FinishedReportsFooter.json, InlineInfoDialog.json, ReportRunsDropDown.json, and ReportsMenu.json files).
  • The new ../Shell/Analyzer/Analyzer.json file also switched from the use of lowercase to camel case for the following attributes:

    reportrunsdropdown -> reportRunsDropDown

    reportsmenu -> reportsMenu

    finishedreportsfooter -> finishedReportsFooter

    inlineinfodialog -> inlineInfoDialog

Defect 1939139

"Application Error" Not Translated

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

The "Application Error" label is now translated in the following:

  • Delete dialog - This displays when deleting lines from a table.
  • Upload File dialog - This displays when uploading receipts and other documents.

Defect 1949111

Table Title Always Shown in Maximized Assistants

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Table titles were always displayed by default within maximized assistants. This is now corrected.

Defect 1952284

Multiple Warnings in One Rest API Call Not Shown in the Web Client

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

When the server issued multiple warning messages, the web client was unable to show more than one of these messages. This issue is now fixed.

Defect 1952997

Missing Tooltips for "Maximized" Fields

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

A tooltip showing the field title now appears when users hover their mouse pointer over the title and subtitle in the record area.

Defect 1955474

Invalid "Important" Field Name in the Conversation Center

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Users opening the Conversation Center encountered an error message which stated that the Important field was missing. This is now corrected.

Defect 1961428

"Filename Too Long" Error Message When Exporting to Excel

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

When exporting data, the filename can now be up to 120 characters long.

Defect 2003555

Unable to Proceed to BI Launchpad from Web Client (404 Missing Page) Using BO 4.3 SP3

The public URL for SAP BO InfoView changed as part of the product's name change to FioriBI. The URL resolution is now updated to reflect this.

Defect 2010348

Customize Columns Window's Visible Columns Filter Showed Incorrect Results

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

When web client users opened the Customize Columns window in any workspace and searched for a specific column under Visible Columns, the results occasionally failed to include all relevant columns. This is now corrected.

Defect 2015381

Internal Error When Dragging Scroll Bar of Participants List

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Clicking a scroll bar from within the Mention popup in conversations resulted in a console error. This would be evident only to users who had developer tools enabled.

This bug had no impact on interaction or functionality, but is now corrected.

Defect 1027769

Job Budget Recalculation Ignores Actual Cost

An error in job budget recalculation occurred if the Update Prices Upon Dimension Change system parameter is enabled and you changed the employee number of a job budget line with a time activity to an employee with another cost price. When you are in the midst of carrying out a progress evaluation, the total cost price on the job budget line is calculated according to price setup. However, if you were performing a progress evaluation, you would expect the total cost price to be equal to the actual cost price plus the updated hourly cost price multiplied by the estimated time to completion. Prior to this correction, the calculation would ignore the actual cost price. This error is corrected.

Defect 1063377

Improved Error Message Details in Progress Evaluation

When you run a new progress evaluation and encounter an error message stating "The Week calendar Standard does not cover enough weeks for the date to be calculated," this now includes more details about which weeks are missing in the week calendar.

Defect 1191233

Absence Type Deleted after Absence Registration

Previously, you could delete absence types from the system even when they were used in setup or to register absences. This error is corrected.

However, in cases where two or more absence types with the same name exist (such as if you created both a company-specific and system-wide absence type), you can delete a company-specific absence type even if it is in use. The remaining system-wide absence type cannot be deleted.

Defect 1261616

Billing Price Fields in Estimating Workspace

When looking at a fixed price job where the fixed price is coming from a specific budget type, the billing price fields should not be collapsed if you look at the fixed price budget in the Estimating workspace. This error is corrected.

Defect 1522093

Surcharge Error on Partially Invoiced Job Entries

When you reallocated a partly invoiced job entry that had non-invoiced surcharges, the original surcharge would have no open quantity but would have an open billing price. This error is corrected.

Defect 1584240

Copy Job Exchange Rates to Job Wizard

You can now use the Copy Job Exchange Rates to Job wizard in the Workspace Client without getting an error message that states that a valid job number to copy from must be entered.

Defect 1778475

Duplicate Fields in Job Invoicing

The Job Name and Invoice Date fields were duplicated in the Job Invoicing workspace. This error occurred in both the web client and Workspace Client. This error is corrected.

Defect 1811691

Billing Price not Updated in Recalculation of Job Budget

If a billing price was entered on a job budget line where the price lookup did not find a billing price or a markup percentage, the billing price in job currency and enterprise currency were not recalculated if you later recalculate the budget.

Defect 1813516

Updated Names for Opening Balance Import Fields

When importing on account opening balance, you can specify billing price, not only in invoice currency, but also in job currency and base currency. However, the names of the fields with billing price in job and base currency suggested that they are the same as the billing price in invoice currency, just in other currencies. However, these fields are only used when importing opening balance. The field names are now changed to mention they are for opening balance import to emphasize this difference.

Defect 1815142

Summary Fields Do Not Support Split Billing

The following were previously summary fields in Print Job Invoice that showed what is invoiced before the current invoice and after the invoice:

  • BeforeInvoicedOnJobCurrencyVar
  • NowInvoicedOnJobCurrencyVar

These variables are not supported for split billing. This error is corrected.

Defect 1824338

Tax Codes Correspond to Tax Levels in Invoice on Account

In Jobs » Invoicing » Invoice On Account in the Workspace Client, the system now checks that values entered in the Tax Code1-3 fields correspond to their respective tax levels (Tax Level 1-3).

Defect 1824934

Check-In Required on Workdays

A new option called Required to Check In On Workdays to require check-in for employees only on workdays is now available for selection when setting up the Check-In functionality in employee records and employee revisions.

Defect 1834611

Incorrect Tax Number in Draft Invoices

Jobs with split billing between several bill-to customers displayed the incorrect tax number in the filter pane of the Draft Invoices workspace.

Defect 1843209

Absence Entry Error

The absence entry coming from an absence calendar line (when the latter is approved) appeared to be submitted by the same user and on the same date as the approval that took place. The Submitted By and Date, Submitted fields should instead be the same as on the absence calendar line. This error is corrected.

Defect 1843219

Import Job Journal Error

By error, you could import and modify values for the Prior Period field when importing a job journal. This error is corrected and the Prior Period field is no longer editable through import.

Defect 1848060

No Records Displayed in Show Job Invoice on Account Single Dialog

The Show Job Invoice on Account Reconciliation single dialog workspace did not display any records. This error is corrected. Records are now shown in accordance to the access control per user.

Defect 1848848

Exchange Rate of Reconciled Customer Payment on Pre-Invoice

When a customer payment is reconciled against a job pre-invoice, the reconciliation date is taken as entry date for the customer entry and G/L entries for the corresponding new invoice on account. However, the exchange rate used in the reconciliation was based on the date of the pre-invoice. The exchange rate should be based on the customer payment reconciliation date. This error is corrected.

Defect 1850241

Index Support on Employee

Improvements have been made to index support when checking whether a given employee can create proxy registrations for other employees. Additionally, only non-blocked employees are included in the check.

Defect 1857549

System Error When Invoicing a Job with Surcharge Rule

When an order invoice or subscription was assigned a job number (but not marked for invoicing invoiced in job invoicing), a system error occurred upon (order) invoicing, if the job is assigned a surcharge rule. The error is corrected and no surcharge is added during invoicing in order module.

Defect 1859977

Incorrect Billing Price Registered on Purchase Order

When a purchase order is accrued to a job with surcharges, the vendor invoice reconciliation erroneously registered a zero billing price registered in job currency. The registered base and enterprise currency amounts remained accurate. This error is corrected.

Defect 1860642

Invoice to Credit Memo Split Billing Error

When the Set Job Entries For Invoicing After Print Invoice system parameter is enabled, crediting an invoice on a job with split billing could result in an incorrect update to the Invoice Action field in the subtab of the Invoice Selection single dialog workspace.

Defect 1865840

Incorrect Allowance Displayed in Absence Transfer

When transferring absence to a new period, the allowance from the previous period was calculated incorrectly. This error occurred if you had voided some of your absence allowance prior to the transfer. This error is corrected.

Defect 1866294

Job Price List Performance Improvement

Opening the Job Price Lists single dialog workspace could be very time consuming if the task name is filled in for lines and existed on a large amount of task list lines. This error is corrected and performance improvements have been made.

Defect 1866891

Unable to Edit Fields for Itemizing Invoice Selection

By error, in the WIP Invoicing workspace, the wizard for itemizing invoice selection for detailed invoice selection on entry level had read-only fields. This error is corrected and you can now edit values in the wizard.

Defect 1871587

Modified Job Number on Rolled Forward Job

When you changed the job number on the rolled forward job, you could no longer access the original job in the Jobs single dialog workspace. This error is corrected.

Defect 1872915

User-Friendly Error Message for Absence Types

When you try to create a company-specific absence type, but it already exists in the system, an internal error message would display. This error message is updated to be more user-friendly to allow you to easily fix the error.

Defect 1875243

Unable to Approve Absence

An error would display when you tried to approve an absence entry. This error is corrected.

Defect 1879042

Invoices on Account Fields with No Titles

A number of fields were added to Jobs > Invoicing > Job Invoices On Account but without titles. This means that you cannot add them to your layout using the customize column feature. This was especially a problem if you needed to fix an error in invoice allocation and needed to add specific fields. It was difficult to do so if the field was not in the default layout and could not be added since it did not have a title. This error is corrected.

Defect 1883015

System Error when Posting Job Invoice Journal

If you used the Invoice to Credit Memo action and selected a credit memo, rather than an invoice, then selected Restore Entries for the action, and if the credit memo you selected has on account reconciliation against an invoice on account, Maconomy would try to reverse that on account reconciliation. Since it is an on account reconciliation against a credit memo, that means performing a further reconciliation of the invoice on account. If the latter is already fully settled, this would cause a system error during posting of the invoice journal. This error is corrected.

Defect 1892831

Modified Entries in Itemize Invoice Selection

When changing an entry in Itemize Invoice Selection from being included in the invoice selection to a different action, such as carry forward, the entry would disappear immediately from the table if only entries within delimitation should be shown. This is now changed such that it first disappears when the user makes a manual refresh.

Defect 1909799

Error upon Job Reallocation Approval

A fatal error may occur when the user approves job reallocation.

The log file MaconomyServer.log includes the following lines:

Check_Fatal, message: '10000002 4 6.99 7.00 6.99 7.00' (Log ID: …)

MSL Stack trace:




This error is corrected and customers upgrading to 2.6.2 (from 2.5.x or earlier) will not experience this fatal error.

Defect 1913626

Incorrect Allocation of Reversal Entries

Job reallocation from a main job with allocation to one or more subjobs previously resulted in reversal entries that were incorrectly allocated to subjobs.

Defect 1917725

Removal of Subjob After Main Job invoice Allocation

You could remove a subjob from a main job, even after having performed job invoice allocation on the main job, including entries from the subjob. This should not be possible. This error is corrected.

Defect 1917931

Incorrect Tax Difference on Blanket Draft Invoice

When a draft credit memo was produced through blanket invoicing, an error would occur where the sign used to indicate whether tax difference was a positive or negative value was incorrect. This error is corrected.

Defect 1921984

View Vendor Invoice Document Action Error

Prior to this fix, you could only click the View Vendor Invoice Document action on the last job entry in the subtab that did not actually have an attached document. This error occurred in the following single dialog workspaces:

  • Job Financial Card
  • Job Card
  • Itemize Invoice Selection

This error is now corrected, and the action is now always available on all job entry lines. An error message will display if you try to use this action on job entries without a vendor invoice document.

Defect 1929606

Job Progress Evaluation Error

When performing a Job Progress Evaluation, an error stating "The billing price cannot be negative" was previously displayed. This is now corrected.

Defect 1929651

Half Day Fields in Absence Workspace

In the Absence workspace, the fields for indicating half days on the first and last day were labeled similarly. The field names have been renamed to First Day is Half Day and Last Day is Half Day for clarity.

Defect 1929798

Generate Draft Option Removed by Transferring Invoice Plans

When you used the Transfer Invoicing Plans action in batch invoicing or draft invoice creation, the Generate Draft checkbox would automatically be deselected on jobs where no invoicing plan lines where no invoicing plan lines were transferred. This prevented users from easily generating drafts that cover both T&M and Invoice on Account from invoicing plans. This error is corrected.

Defect 1930435

Reallocated Job Entries Display Incorrect Billing Price

Reallocated job entries that originated from vendor credit memos would display billing prices incorrectly, such as a positive value could sometimes be displayed as a negative amount instead. This error is corrected.

Defect 1931247

Exchange Rates Check Prior to 2.6 Upgrade

One of the data conversion steps in an upgrade to 2.6 requires exchange rates to convert certain external cost job entries from original currency to job base currency. The existence of these exchange rates will now be checked as a precondition for the upgrade.

Defect 1932248

Draft Invoice Displays Incorrect Tax Itemization

Draft invoices did not show the same tax itemization as final invoice in cases where there are T&M invoices that are zero due to on account reduction. This error is corrected.

Defect 1932432

Rounding Issue When Carrying Forward Absence Allowance

If an employee is assigned a total of 4.999998 hours of absence allowance, this is usually shown rounded up as a total of five hours. However, an error would occur when trying to carried forward to the next period the apparent five hours In Absence Transfer. An error message would display stating "Cannot carry forward more than the remaining allowance in the previous period"

This rounding error is corrected. Maconomy now allows the carry forward if the available value is only insignificantly less than the number of hours asked to be carried forward to the next period.

Defect 1938035

Reallocated Job Entries Display Incorrect Billing Price Sign

Reallocated job entries that originated from vendor credit memos would display the incorrect sign for billing prices, such as a positive value could sometimes be displayed as a negative amount instead. This error is corrected.

Defect 1938569

Progress Evaluation FTC Update Error

Previously, an error stating "You cannot enter markup % for non-invoiceable activities" displayed when changing the ETC to zero in the table part of Progress Evaluation when the line has a non-invoiceable activity. This error is corrected.

Defect 1938798

Missing Access to Renamed Analyzer Reports

In version 2.6, two analyzer reports changed internal names: Analyzer::Jobs.mul and Analyzer::JobFilter.mul were renamed to Analyzer::JobAnalysis.mul and Analyzer::JobOverview.mul. This was not handled in upgraded systems. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1939276

Closed Job with Non-Zero WIP

When you close a job with revenue adjustments, Maconomy will typically create a job revenue recognition journal to adjust revenue recognized so that it equals the total invoiced billing price in job currency, base currency and enterprise currency. However, this did not happen if the revenue adjustment was excluded from the fixed price. The consequence is that you can then have a closed job with non-zero WIP in base (and/or) enterprise currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1939714

Job Reallocation System Error

A system error was previously issued during job reallocation to a job with currency equal to the enterprise currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1951113

Incorrect Open Quantity in Job Analysis Advanced Report

For non-invoiceable jobs, the Job Analysis Advanced report provided an incorrect calculation of open quantity. For such jobs, the open quantity should be zero. This error is corrected.

Defect 1955473

Job Analysis Advanced Fields

In the Job Analysis Advanced job analyzer report, the Supervisor Name and Supervisor Number fields were previously missing. They are now added to the report.

Defect 1958786

Long Text Description on Daily Time Sheet Lines

When a user changed a task or location (or any dimension) on a daily time sheet line having a long text description, by error the long text description would disappear. This error is corrected.

Defect 1960974

Error upon Job Reallocation Approval

A fatal error may occur when you approve job reallocation.

The log file MaconomyServer.log includes the following lines:

Check_Fatal, message: '10000002 4 6.99 7.00 6.99 7.00' (Log ID: …)

MSL Stack trace:




This error is corrected.

Defect 1962452

Amount on Copied Invoice Draft

If you previously copied an invoice draft line with an amount in the Total Price Only field, this value was not copied over. This error is corrected.

Defect 1965757

Entry Date and Daily Description Fields in Job Analyzer Reports

The Job Analyzer Advanced and Job Analyzer Basic analyzer reports currently have two date fields: Entry Date and G/L Entry Date. These two fields show the entry date and G/L entry date for the job entry and the invoice date for the related job invoice lines, as well as the invoice date job invoices on account and the reconciliation date for the invoice on account reconciliation, allowing the user to do aging.

However, if the user selected to show the entry date field in the report with the expectation to view the entry date of the registration, the result would be surprising if there were several lines for each entry, such as if the entry was invoiced on another date.

The Entry Date and G/L Entry Date fields have been simplified to be equal to the entry date and G/L entry date from the job entry respectively. Similarly with job invoices on account and job invoices on account reconciliations, the entry date and G/L entry date will come from the invoice date of the job invoice on account.

The Transaction Date and G/L Transaction Date fields are added to the reports. These fields have the old functionality of the Entry Date and G/L Entry Date fields, allowing the user to do aging.

You can now also select the Daily Description field from the entries. Prior to this correction, this field was missing from the reports.

Defect 1965758

G/L Dimensions on Job Entries from Main Job Registrations

When the Use Subjobs Dimensions system parameter is enabled, the G/L dimensions on job entries from registrations on main jobs with distribution to subjobs were not the results derived in the usual sense based on the subjobs, but would get dimensions overwritten by dimensions specified on the subjobs. This error is corrected by rederiving dimensions when posting to a main job with distribution to subjobs. The initial derivation of dimensions for the journal applies the dimensions from the main job. The derivation of dimensions during posting for distribution to subjobs now applies the dimensions from the subjob, but as this takes place during posting, the dimensions on the subjob that you wish to enforce must be selected in the Overwrite checkboxes such as Overwrite Location.

Defect 1973333

Field Miscalculation on Credit Memos

Some fields on invoices and credit memos show what is currently invoiced on the job, the contribution from the current invoice, and the new total. The calculation was previously improved to support split billing. However, with that change, the fields BeforeInvoicedOnJobCurrencyVar and NowInvoicedOnJobCurrencyVar were miscalculated for credit memos. This error is corrected.

Defect 1982141

Copy Job Error

By error, a job could not previously be copied if the job is blocked for time or amount registrations and the job employee's setup included a time or amount activity. This error is corrected.

Defect 1984378

Incorrect Values in Receivable Cost Fields

When reallocating entries, the value in the Receivable Cost Incl. Tax, Original Currency field could be zero, but the values in the Receivable Cost Incl. Tax, Enterprise and Receivable Cost Incl. Tax, Base fields were a different value. This occurred when job distribution was used. This error is corrected.

Defect 1993725

Incorrect Billing Price Due to Tax Level

When Tax Level 1 is set to zero, by error the sign of amounts for Taxes level 2 and 3 in expense sheet liners could be incorrect. resulting in providing the wrong billing price. This error is corrected.

Defect 2000869

Check-in Should Ignore Time Registrations on Amount Activities

When the Disallow reg. on amount act. in time sheets system parameter is disabled, the check-in did not ignore time sheet lines on amount activities. This error is corrected.

Defect 2009717

Entries within Delimitation Field

In the web client, the Entries within Delimitation Only checkbox is are moved from the card part to the table in the following locations:

  • WIP Invoice > Invoice Selection > Entries Assistant
  • WIP Invoice > Invoice Selection > Wizard in each table line
  • Customer Invoicing > Invoice Selection > Wizard in each expanded table line

Defect 1963327

Correctly Aligned Fields in Progress Evaluation Workspace

The Progress Evaluation workspace in the web client displays figures for time and cost related to planning, estimated time of completion, actuals, and so on. However, the values in these fields were left-aligned in the workspace. This error occurred because the fields were of the string type variable.

To correct this error, new fields of the Real and Amount variables are added to the workspace to properly display values as amounts and/or numbers that are right-aligned in the fields. These fields are added to the workspace but are not included in the standard layout.

New fields in the card part include:

  • Planned1TimeVar, Planned1CostVar

  • Executed1TimeVar, Executed1CostVar

  • EstimatedTimeToCompletion1TimeVar, EstimatedTimeToCompletion1CostVar

  • EstimatedTimeToCompletion1ManDaysTimeVar

  • Total1TimeVar, Total1CostVar

  • Deviation1TimeVar, Deviation1CostVar

  • AccumulatedDeviation1TimeVar, AccumulatedDeviation1CostVar

  • Baseline1TimeVar, Baseline1CostVar

  • BaselineDeviation1TimeVar, BaselineDeviation1CostVar

Note that some of the fields above are named "...1...". Similar fields are also added for the succeeding 2-5 fields.

New fields in the Tasks subtab include:
  • PlannedOnLineTimeVar

  • EstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineManDaysTimeVar

  • DeviationOnLineTimeVar, DeviationOnLineCostVar

  • AccumulatedDeviationOnLineTimeVar

  • AccumulatedDeviationOnLineCostVar
  • ExpectedEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineTimeVar

  • ExpectedEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineManDaysTimeVar

  • PreviouslyPlannedOnLineTimeVar

  • PreviouslyUsedOnLineTimeVar

  • PreviouslyUsedOnLineCostVar
  • PreviousEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineTimeVar

  • PreviousEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineCostVar
  • PreviousEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineManDaysTimeVar

  • BaselineOnLineTimeVar

  • BaselineOnLineCostVar
  • BaselineDeviationOnLineTimeVar

  • BaselineDeviationOnLineCostVar
  • SuggestedEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineTimeVar

  • SuggestedEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineCostVar
  • SuggestedEstimatedTimeToCompletionOnLineManDaysTimeVar

  • CompletionPercentageOnLineRealVar

  • RoundingBetweenTotalAndTotalBudgettedOnLineTimeVar

  • RoundingBetweenTotalAndTotalBudgettedOnLineCostVar

Defect 2013395

Invoice Info Bubble

An invoice info bubble is added to the Invoice No. field in the following:

  • Jobs > Job Administration > Job Collections > Reconciliations

  • Jobs > Draft Invoices

  • Jobs > Jobs > WIP Invoice > On Account Reconciliation > Invoices On Account

  • Jobs > Jobs > WIP Invoice > Invoice Editing
  • Jobs > Jobs > WIP Invoice > Invoice History
  • Jobs > Job Invoices > Reconciliationss
  • Jobs > Job Invoices > On Account Reconciliation
  • Jobs > Jobs > Invoice On Account > Invoice Editing
  • Jobs > Jobs > Invoice On Account > Invoice History
  • Jobs > Jobs > Job Invoice Allocation > On Account
  • Jobs > Jobs > Job Invoice Allocation > Allocation History > On Account
  • Accounts Receivable > Customers > Invoices
  • Accounts Receivable > Customer Invoicing > Invoice Editing
  • Accounts Receivable > Customer Invoicing > Invoice History

Defect 2012114

Totals in Approve Invoice Selection

When you approve an invoice selection, the totals displayed in the workspace are now always calculated when you toggle on Show Lines. The Show Totals option is also automatically toggled on if you have toggled on Show Lines.