Job Analysis Advanced Workspace

Advanced Maconomy users such as project controllers and back office users can use this report template workspace to generate customized reports that capture very specific information from or related to the jobs to which they have access.

For each report template workspace, you can create and save as many customized reports as you need and access these saved reports afterwards using the search filter and field at the top of the workspace.

Column Groups

The Job Analysis Advanced report allows users to add columns from the following groups:

  • Job

    Under this group are the following subgroups:

    • Job Group
    • Budget
    • Status
    • Employees
    • Description
    • Company
    • Ship to Customer
    • Bill to Customer
    • Main/Sub Jobs
    • Registration
    • Pricing
    • Revenue Recognition
    • Job Totals
    • Extra Fields
  • Employee
  • Dates
  • Registration Specific
  • Task, Activity, Description
  • Vendor
  • G/L Dimensions, Entry
  • Budgeted (Working Budget)
  • Budgeted (Current Budget)
  • Purchase Orders
  • Accrued
  • Registered
    • Executing Company
  • Open
  • Work in Progress
    • Capitalize at Cost
    • Capitalization at billing price
  • Invoiced
    • Executing Company
  • Invoice Bill to Customer
  • Write Up/Down
  • Revenue Recognized
  • Planned Invoicing
  • Invoiced on Account
  • Transferred
    • Transferred From
    • Transferred To