My Settings Dialog

The My Settings dialog contains several fields and options:

Formats & Language Tab

Field Description
Date Format Select a format from the dropdown.
Decimal Symbol Select a symbol from the dropdown. Available options are:
  • (,) comma
  • (.) period
Language Select a language from the dropdown.

The list of available options is dependent on the languages enabled for your company.

Time Format Select a format from the dropdown.
Digit Grouping Symbol Select a symbol from the dropdown. Available options are:
  • ( ) space
  • (') apostrophe
  • (,) comma
  • (.) period

Miscellaneous Tab

Field Description
Show field borders Select this checkbox if you want to display borders around all editable fields.

By default, this functionality is disabled.

Enable multiple column sorting Select this checkbox to enable sorting on multiple columns in tables.

By default, this functionality is disabled.

Show recent places Select this checkbox if you want the menu to list Recent Places, or the last three workspaces you accessed.

By default, this functionality is disabled.

Show narrow margins Select this checkbox if you want narrow side margins on your workspaces.

By default, this functionality is disabled.

Show menu search field Select this checkbox to display the search field on the menu.

By default, the search field is hidden.

Interpret hour entry as minutes when above Use this field if you need to track time in increments of minutes as well as hours.

Enter the number which Maconomy should use as the limit at which time switches from being registered as hours to being registered as minutes.

For example, if you specify the value 8, any number entered that is equal to or below 8 is interpreted as hours, and any number above 8 is interpreted as minutes. Registered time will then appear as follows:
  • 6 = 6:00 hours
  • 8 = 8:00 hours
  • 30 = 0:30 minutes
Note: You can also enter time in decimals, so that 0.5 is interpreted as 0:30, or 0.9 is interpreted as 0:54. The Interpret hour entry as minutes when above setting does not affect decimal entries.


Field Description
Default Click this button to restore default values for all the fields in the My Settings dialog.