Statutory / BPM

Defect 1292903

Unable to Select Standard Dimensions When Slicing Data by Dimension

Previously, when you ran BPM reports where you can slice data by dimension, for example AR Aging by Dimension, you could not select the Spec. 4-10 and Local Spec. 4-10 standard dimensions introduced in Maconomy 2.3. This error is corrected.

Defect 1312638

Negative Variance and Percentage in the Profit and Loss Report

The Profit and Loss finance reports previously displayed incorrect variance and variance percentage figures when you apply natural sign. This error is corrected.

Defect 1317470

Disabled SAP Prompt

There was an SAP issue where objects used for prompts had a default value of "Select Only from List." When you manually disabled the prompt, refreshed the report, and then returned to edit the query, the "Select Only from List" was enabled automatically again. Some of the reports may have "Select Only from List" enabled. This error is corrected in higher BO Versions.

Defect 1320032

Compare Fiscal Period/Year Field in the General Ledger Report Displays in Workspace Client

Previously, the General Ledger report in the Workspace Client prompted for Compare Fiscal Period/Year. The field in the selection criteria of the report is removed from the Workspace Client to be consistent with the prompts available in the BI LaunchPad.

Defect 1320042

Inconsistent Date Field and Prompts in AR Rollforward Report

Previously, the Statement Date field in the selection criteria of the AR Rollforward report in the Workspace Client did not match the date prompts in BI LaunchPad. This error is corrected. The Statement Date field is changed to From Date and To Date fields.

Defect 1475650

Timeout Errors in Vendor Master Data Report

It was previously possible to encounter timeout errors when running the Vendor Master Data report if Company Vendors had large amounts of data. This error is corrected.

Defect 1477055

Missing #VER and #TRANS Lines

Previously, #VER and #TRANS lines were missing from the Standard Import/Export (SIE) report when there were no transactions from the previous year, even if the selection criteria included prior years. This error is corrected.

Defect 1497416

Customer Invoice Transaction Not Included in Report

Kzs for Customer Invoice transactions were not included in the report when a company in the company specific values was selected and the Use Entry/Period Dates for Statutory Reports global system parameter was not enabled. Transactions should be included when a company in the company specific values in the system setup is selected. The Elster query then used the entry date as a filter for all its queries. This error is corrected such that the report only uses entry dates when you enabled the Use Entry/Period Dates for Statutory Reports global system parameter, or when you enable the specific companies that are members of the tax reporting unit used in the selection criteria. This applies to all company numbers that are set up on tax reporting unit.

Defect 1500653

#MULTIVALUE Error on A/R Aging and A/R Rollforward Reports

Previously, when you drilled down to Customer Level 1 on A/R Aging and A/R Rollforward Reports, a #MULTIVALUE error appeared. This issue occurs when a Client/Customer Level 1 has transactions with multiple sub-level customers. This error is corrected.

Defect 1506265

Updated United Kingdom Folder Name

In the Business Objects CMS, the folder containing report documents specific for United Kingdom was named UnitedKingdom, without a space. This is now updated to "UK" for consistency.

Defect 1509064

USync Password Check Fails for Users with Short Usernames

The USync password check previously failed with an error message that says, "Password must contain at least one lowercase letter and at least one uppercase letter, and it must not contain a username." This error is corrected.

Defect 1516219

Standard Billing Price is Set to 0 on Job Invoices

Previously, you could not report on standard billing prices using the Job Invoicing universe unless you were also reporting on registrations. If you reported on invoices, the system derived the standard billing prices from the job entries representing registrations. This error is corrected.

Defect 1516876

Time Sheet Status, by Day Report Uses a Deprecated Company Object in a Filter

The Time Sheet Status, by Day standard report previously showed inflated values when you filtered by Company No. The report incorrectly used a deprecated Company No. object for filtering company numbers. This error is corrected.

Defect 1517214

Kz46 and Kz47 Not Including German Vendor Transactions

Kz46 and Kz47 is a vendor transaction (EU Acquisition) among EU members including domestic, Germany-to-Germany vendor transactions.

Previously, Kz46 and Kz47 did not include transactions from vendors that are from Germany (Germany-to-Germany transactions) even though Germany is a member of EU. The Germany-to-Germany vendor transactions were erroneously not included. This error is corrected.

Defect 1517956

USync: Null Error When Synching on a BO Server

Previously, a null pointer exception occurred when you run USync on a system with more than 1000 users. The issue no longer exists on BO SP5 Patch 11 and BO SP9 Patch 4.

Defect 1518117

Improved Percent Encoding on UKMTD Fraud Prevention Headers

The encoding of spaces on the following headers are corrected from using "+" to "%20":
  • Gov-Client-Local-IPs
  • Gov-Client-User-IDs
  • Gov-Client-MAC-Addresses
  • Gov-Client-User-Agent
  • Gov-Client-Multi-Factor

Defect 1518119

Incorrect OS-Version Mapping

Previously, the system derived the os-version key field of the Gov-Client-User-Agent header from part of the operating system name. This error is corrected such that it is now mapped to the operating system version.

Defect 1524284

Incorrect Format of Gov-Client-Device-ID Header

The UK MTD Fraud Prevention Header for Gov-Client-Device-ID previously used an incorrect format. It had more than 128 bits or 32 hex characters. This error is corrected. A version 3 UUID from the installation number of Maconomy is now generated.

Defect 1525704

Vendor Transactions Report Outputs All Vendor Entry Data

The Vendor Transactions Report did not previously filter by the period you specified in the selection criteria. This error is corrected. A period filter is added to the database query.

Defect 1527615

Customer Profitability Reports Do Not Generate Data

Previously, the following Customer Profitability reports did not show data:
  • Customer Profitability
  • Customer Profitability, by Customer
  • Customer Profitability, by Customer (Customer Hierarchy)

This error is corrected.

Defect 1527619

Revenue Analysis Reports Do Not Generate Any Data

Previously, the following reports did not display the data created in the system:
  • Revenue Analysis
  • Revenue Analysis (Customer Hierarchy)
  • Revenue Analysis, by Customer
  • Revenue Analysis, by Customer (Customer Hierarchy)

This error is corrected.

Defect 1527680

Vendor Transactions Report Fails When Retrieving Large Data

Previously, when you ran the Vendor Transactions report and large data was involved, the background task failed and would show either of the following errors:
  • Server error calling database function 'db:Sql': Could not peak byte from input stream: Connection reset
  • Aborted by system due to failure on completion

This error is corrected.

Defect 1527753

Unable to Get Values for the "Account No." Prompt in BPM Reporting Finance Reports

Previously, when you ran a finance report in BPM Reporting, you would encounter an error if you tried to get a list of values for the Account No. prompt. This error is corrected.

Defect 1538104

Incorrect Join in Utilization Universe

The join condition for the EMPLOYEEREVISION_D table to COUNTRY table was incorrect. It joined country name and country number, which had incompatible data types. This error is corrected such that the system uses the COUNTRYPN in EMPLOYEEREVISION_D, instead of the COUNTRY field.

Defect 1538516

Removed Deprecated Filter From SIE Report

Previously, the SIE report used the "Profit and Loss Accounts" predefined filter for filtering the accounts in the query, which resulted to error. This is now corrected such that the deprecated object is removed. The report now uses the "P&L Accounts" predefined filter.

Defect 1541772

Job Status, by Task & Employee Category Report Multiplies the Open Billing Price

Previously, the values for the first row of the Job Status, by Task & Employee Category report were distributed to the other rows due to missing objects in the report. This error is corrected. Dimension objects are made available in both invoicing and budgeting report queries to display the correct billing price.

Defect 1547727

Incorrect Year-To-Date Balance in Trial Balance Report

Previously, the Trial Balance Report did not display the correct Year-To-Date balance when using odd fiscal years. The report assumed that the first period of the Year-To-Date was the first calendar period. However, if the company is set up with an odd fiscal year, the start of the fiscal year is the first calendar period. The Year-To-Date section should start at the first period of the company's fiscal year. This error is corrected.

Defect 1549945

NSAFT: Incorrect Opening and Closing Balances if Multiple Companies Are Selected

Previously, when running NSAFT report for more than one company using a tax reporting unit, you would get incorrect opening and closing balances for G/L accounts, customers, and suppliers. The report retrieved the last record, instead of the total amount of all the records. This error is corrected. The report now displays the correct balances.

Defect 1562129

UKMTD Fraud Prevention Header Shows Incorrect Gov-Vendor-Version

Previously, the Fraud Prevention Header showed an incorrect Gov-Vendor-Version. This error is corrected.

Defect 1564429

SIE: Missing #KONTO

#KONTO line did not previously display in the SIE report when the accounts did not have any transaction in the period, even if there was an opening or closing balance. This error is corrected.

Defect 1570592

Fiscal Year-Period Does Not Filter Finance Entries

The finance entry query of the NSAFT report previously derived all the records for the selected company regardless of the selected year-period, which affected performance, particularly the Oracle database. This error is corrected.

Defect 1572074

NSAFT Tax Settlement Entries Display Separately on <TaxInformation>

Previously, the report displayed each tax settlement entry separately on the <TaxInformation>. This error is corrected such that the report shows the total tax amount of all the tax settlement entries for each finance entry.

Defect 1582334

Customer Invoices Report Incorrectly Shows Reconciled Entries

The Customer Invoices report incorrectly included reconciled entries even though the Include Closed Entries filter was set to "No." This error is corrected.

Defect 1585479

GoBD: Stack Trace Error When Generating Order/Banking Master Data Report

Previously, when you generated the GoBD statutory report, a "REMOVEDPAYMENTAGENTNUMBER": invalid identifier [REMOVEDPAYMENTAGENTNUMBER] stack trace error appeared in the background tasks. This error is corrected such that the following fields are removed from Orderline:

Defect 1591781

GoBD: Invalid Column Name When Generating Job Entries Report

Previously, when you generated the GOBD statutory report for job entries, a stack trace error appeared in the background tasks. This error is corrected such that the following fields are removed from JobEntry:
  • NumberOfHoursRegistered
  • NumberOfHoursInvoice
  • Invoice
  • BillingPriceTotalBase
  • BillingPriceTotalCurrency

Defect 1593425

Updated Reporting Structure Name for Cash Flow Statement Indirect Method Report

The standard reporting structures for Cashflow Statement reports are now aligned. There is one reporting structure for each report to avoid confusion.

Defect 1593577

UK MTD: Internal Error When Company Tax Number Contains Non-Alphanumeric Characters

When the Company Tax Number field previously contained non-alphanumeric characters, including white spaces, the system generated an illegal character exception error instead of a standard Maconomy error, which prevented VAT submissions. This error is corrected.

Defect 1601102

Incorrect Cashflow Amount and Cash Closing Balance

The Cashflow Statement report did not add the Depreciation back to Net Profit, which caused incorrect results. This error is corrected. Thus, the reporting structure is updated to allow duplicates.

Defect 1604581

Total for Grouping Level 3 Does Not Show in Standard Trial Balance Report

Previously, the lines for Grouping Level 3 did not display in the Trial Balance report. The reporting structure was not set to Autofit height to content. This error is corrected.

Defect 1605495

NSAF-T: Duplicate Transaction ID for Timesheet Entries

Previously, each timesheet entry displayed as a different transaction even though it has the same transaction number. This error is corrected. Transactions are now grouped according to the transaction header and timesheet entries now appear on the <Line> level with the entry date shown on the <ValueDate>. Additionally, <ValueDate> only displays if it is different from the <TransactionDate>.

Defect 1605948

Missing Job Company No. in Selection Criteria of Realization Reports

Previously, the Job Company No. label and value did not display in the selection criteria of the Realization reports in the Workspace Client. This error is corrected. The Job Company No. field is added to the Workspace Client.

Defect 1614884

NSAFT: Increased TaxCode Character Limit in <TaxInformation>

Previously, only the <TaxCode> in <TaxTable> was increased to 35-character limit. The same character limit is now also applied to <TaxCode> under <TaxInformation>.

Defect 1621162

NSAFT: New Option to Display Selection Date or Fiscal Year-Period on <SelectionCriteria>

You can now select whether to display <SelectionStartDate><SelectionEndDate> or <PeriodStart><PeriodStartYear><PeriodEnd><PeriodEndYear> on the selection criteria by selecting the Show fiscal year-period in selection criteria check box.

Defect 1622126

NSAFT: TransactionType Causes Duplicate TransactionID

Previously, <TransactionType> was mapped to an automatic entry field in Maconomy to determine whether it is a normal or automated transaction. However, this caused the same transaction to appear twice in the NSAFT report. This error is corrected. <TransactionType> is now mapped to Transaction Type field in Maconomy. Note that it only has an 18-character limit.

Defect 1622140

NSAF-T: <RecordID> is Remapped to Combined Sequence Number

The <RecordID> needs to be unique for each entry. However, the sequence number repeats every year. To prevent issues, the <RecordID> is remapped from Sequence No. field to Combined Sequence No. field. This combines the sequence number, which includes the year in its format.

Defect 1625293

Missing Currency Type Prompt in Selection Criteria of Cash Flow Statement Direct Method Report

Previously, the Currency Type prompt did not display in the selection criteria of the Cash Flow Statement Direct Method report. However, the report still generated with a default value of Company as currency type. This restricted the options to generate the report using your preferred currency type without having to reopen the selection criteria from BI Launchpad. This error is corrected. The Basis field is added to allow you to select your preferred currency type.

Defect 1626871

GoBD: Error When Generating Asset Transactions

Previously, when you generated the GoBD statutory report for asset transactions, you would encounter an error with an invalid 'Amount Enterprise' column name. The following changes were made to fix the issue:
  • The CURRENCY query field is renamed to ASSETBASECURRENCY.

Defect 1637586

SIE: Missing #DIM Lines

Previously, the #DIM lines were missing for Spec. 1-10 fields. The fields did not display in the file even if you selected the check boxes. This error is corrected.

Defect 1652201

NSAFT Only Allows Two Decimals on Exchange Rate

Previously, the <ExchangeRate> number format only allowed two decimal places. This is corrected such that it follows the format based on the schema with eight decimal places and 18 digits for the combined total of whole number and decimal places.