
Touch App Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 4.0:

Support for Android 12L

Deltek Tracking: 1597344

Touch has been updated to support the Android 12L mobile operating system.

Enhanced Touch Menu

Deltek Tracking: 1516150

The Touch sliding menu now features a new look, and it slides into full screen view on mobile devices in both portrait and landscape modes. It still displays the Touch screens according to your preferences on the Settings screen.

Note: The new sliding menu is available only on Maconomy 2.5 (or higher), and when you upgrade to the Touch app version 4.0.

Maconomy Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 4.0 and Maconomy 2.6:

Note: For more information about the Maconomy 2.6 enhancements, refer to the Deltek for Maconomy 2.6 Enhancements Guide.

Touch Online Help

Deltek Tracking: 1463516

The Touch Online Help replaces the User Guides for Android or iOS in PDF. You can access the Touch Online Help according to your Maconomy version and mobile operating system when you tap Help in the app.

With the Touch Online Help, information about the app is more accessible and searchable. New sections for Quick Step guides and other resources, and documentation feedback are also introduced. Use the Search field to lookup information or tasks, and tap sections listed in the Table of Contents to easily browse topics.

Note: If you are using an older Maconomy version, you can still access the Deltek Touch User Guide for Android or iOS in PDF.

If you have a customized Touch Help, there are no changes to the customization process, but you can now create either a PDF or an HTML custom Touch Help. When you upgrade to Touch 4.0 and Maconomy 2.6, you will automatically get the new Touch Help and will have to add your customizations.

Touch Admin Guide

Deltek Tracking: 1530336, 1530340, 1530339

Deltek introduces the Touch Admin Guide, the new primary document for technical consultants. It comprises of the previous Touch Installation, Upgrade, and Multitenancy Setup Guides.

MScript Removal

Deltek Tracking: 1065005

The Touch app no longer uses the MScript web service, and now relies fully on the RESTful web service. The removal of the MScript Touch API affects installation and customization requirements.

In addition, this feature includes the following improvements:
  • All Maconomy communication use the RESTful web service. Thus, there is no need to configure which areas use REST.
  • Load balancing is fully supported.
  • The Touch API installation is easier and faster. Potential issues can be identified and resolved faster now that there is only one web service.
  • Customizing Touch via Extender is now like customizing the web client. The standard files are available in Extender.
  • The customization process for settings is improved. By customizing customsettings.json, the custom file will include the changed settings only, which reduces the risk of settings-related issues when upgrading Maconomy.
  • All screens are now translated.
  • The company specific values of the EnableLongTextEmulationInWorkspaces system parameter are now used.
  • By default, a session timeout occurs after 20 minutes of inactivity. A session timeout after one hour of inactivity is no longer applicable.
Note: For more information, see the Touch App Version 4.0 Technical Considerations section.

Refer to the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Touch Admin Guide for installation changes, and the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Layout Configuration Guide for customization changes related to this feature.

Login Settings Moved to the configuration.ini File

Deltek Tracking: 1594337

There are different credential authentication methods, such as Azure and Okta, that you can use to log in to Touch. Previously, the login settings were controlled by server settings, which limits the login types you can use in different systems. For example, you want to use Azure for production, but retain Maconomy login credentials for development and testing. The login settings are moved to the configuration.ini / tenant.ini file where technical consultants can set up non-Maconomy login types easily during Touch installation and would not affect customizations.

Support for Windows Server 2022

Deltek Tracking: 1411120

The Touch 4.0 Installer now supports installing Touch on Windows Server 2022.

Note: For more information, see the Windows Server 2019 or 2022 section in the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Touch Admin Guide.