System Admin

Defect 1854538

Slow User Environment Creation

User environment creation was previously slow due to String.intern. This error is corrected. This fix optimizes the performance of user environment creation, which improves the performance of login times as well as opening Workspace Client workspaces and iAccess screens for the first time after logging in

Defect 1630378

Remove Batch Print Functionality

The legacy and longtime deprecated functionality Batch Print is no longer supported.

Defect 1949256

Analyzer Strings Not Extracted by LochLomond

Due to a bug in the tool that extracts terms for localization, some of the terms were not extracted and thus not localized. This has been corrected.

Defect 1944949

Unified Web Daemon Rejects CGI Requests for Shortnames with Dashes

It was not possible to connect legacy MScript-based web products to a Maconomy shortname containing characters outside ascii letters, underscore and dot. The connection would be rejected with the following error logged in maconomy.log on the Coupling Service:

Invalid initial request from CGI: [3;3] <shortname>.<language> Url="..."

where '<shortname>' and '<language>' correspond to the values configured in the web product

This error is corrected.

Defect 1964631

Monitor Log Attempts to Resolve Popup Title

When the APM framework logged container requests containing unresolved popup values, the attempts to resolve these values would fail and write a number of error-level log entries to maconomy.log. The error messages of these log entries would typically contain the text "No server access while trying to fix a popup." While these errors looked serious and would create a lot of extra output in the log file, they did not affect the request being executed, nor did they prevent the APM log entries from being written. Logging of container requests containing unresolved popup values will no longer result in errors.

Defect 1999770

Slow Performance When Creating Data Import Package

The performance of creating a Data Import Package and/or attaching files from an import file has been significantly improved. Progress bars are added to inform the user about the progress of different steps. Additionally, a bug leading to an internal error when the package creation (by import) was running for more than 15 minutes has been fixed.


Defect 1630378

Remove Batch Print Functionality

The legacy and longtime deprecated functionality 'Batch Print' is no longer supported.

Defect 1737578

Pop Reconciliation Issue for Background Task Administrator

In cases where the first to login to a newly started system (typically the batch-administrator) was unable to log in, the resolving of popup-values - which is only defined by literal (e.g. within RESTapi-calls) - would fail with an error.

The issue has now been fixed and the popup-resolving is initiated after the first successful login by any user needing popup-resolving.

Defect 1766550

Verbose Code Required for Extension Framework

A few methods in the Extension Framework API now have new variants to allow for less verbose code.

Data caches can now be defined taking the "interface" into account (i.e., which fields map to the key fields of the data cache). Several different such variants can be declared.

Defect 1768561

InstanceKey Utility Assumes Presence of instance-key Sequence on Oracle

Extension programmers making use of the utility newInstanceKeyOracle may experience that the utility function crashes because of a missing sequence in Oracle.

The instance-key method has now been aligned with a more recent behavior in the MaconomyServer, thereby no longer depending on the presence of the sequence.

Defect 1814013

MaconomyServer Crashes when log-file Becomes Too Large

This includes several bug fixes to log rotation. Note that log rotation is now handled differently on Windows servers and Linux servers.

On Windows, the MaconomyServer.log will by default rotate if it reaches 500 MB. Furthermore, by default the last five rotated log files will be kept. The max size and number of old logs retained can be specified in MaconomyCustom.ini by setting the parameters:


MaconomyServerLogMaxSize= MaconomyServerLogRetainCount=

If an error occurs during log rotation, that error will be logged to a file called MaconomyLogRotationError.log. This file will be deleted by the next successful log rotation.

On Linux, we recommend using the native log rotation utility 'logrotate'. If the utility was not installed by the OS installation, install it using the Linux package manager of your system. Set up log rotation for the MaconomyServer.log by creating a Maconomy-specific configuration file in the directory /etc/logrotate.d/. More information on this can be found on the logrotate man page.

Defect 1816353

BGT: Incorrect Status Reporting of Active Threads

In some cases, the status indicator in the Background Tasks workspace would show "reduced capacity" even if no background task threads were running. This has been corrected so that it shows the correct state.

Defect 1816385

BGT: Incorrect Status Indicator in Background Tasks Workspace

In some cases, the status indication of the background tasks workspace could be incorrect by stating that background tasks were able to run even though this is not the case.

The issue has been fixed.

Defect 1818500

Background Task FW Hangs

In rare cases where the number of maconomy-servers (server.max) is two (2) higher than the number of batch threads (batch.threads) and all threads - at the same time - are executing tasks that take longer than 'Max Duration' for a task the background task system can end in a situation where all threads are hanging and are unable to recover.

This issue has been fixed.

Defect 1824446

Configuring Sender Address for Authentication Tokens

In the configuration settings for sending authentication tokens by email, the global default sender address configured in the 'email.from.default' setting in 'settings/settings.ini' would not override the default sender address for email tokens '' set in server.ini. To change this sender address you instead had to redefine '' in 'settings.ini'.

The setting '' has been removed from 'server.ini' and replaced by an internal default value which is overridden by 'email.from.default' if set. The setting '' can still be set in 'settings.ini' if a sender address different from the global default address should be used when sending authentication tokens.

Defect 1826934

WebSockets Parameters Not Ignored

Some settings related to the Workspace Client web-socket protocol were accepted if set in the new general settings file (''settings/settings.ini'') introduced in 2.6.1.

These settings, with the prefix 'client.rmi', are now only accepted in the client-specific settings file ('settings/client.ini'), in accordance with the included documentation and settings template files.

Defect 1843291

Debug Logging on Non-POSIX Compliant File Systems

When doing server debug logging on the Maconomy Application Server, and multiple MaconomyServer processes are executing requests for the same Maconomy user in parallel, the debug output from these requests can become jumbled in the user-specific debug log file.

This appears to only be an issue on non-POSIX compliant file systems, such as NTFS and NFS, where write atomicity is not guaranteed.

An extra layer of synchronization has been introduced to ensure atomicity when performing debug logging to non-POSIX compliant file systems. By default, this extra synchronization will only be enabled on Windows, but it can be overridden globally, either to disable the synchronization on Windows or to enable it on Linux if debug logging here is performed to a non-POSIX compliant file system, e.g. NFS. This is done by setting the environment variable 'POSIX_FS' on the Maconomy Application Server to indicate whether the file systems are POSIX-compliant or not. The possible values are '1' (the file systems are POSIX-compliant) and '0' (the file systems are not POSIX-compliant).

Defect 1850252

Trailing Space Removed in String Literals

Using <concat> tags with string literals having leading or trailing whitespace in MPL layouts would lead to that that leading or trailing whitespace being removed. The error only occurs if localization has been chosen for the MPL layout.

This bug has now been fixed.

Defect 1853705

Recalculating Notifications Fail When Deleting Old Notifications

If two processes were calculating notifications for the same user concurrently, this could lead to an error.

This error has been fixed.

Defect 1855706

Error When Adding New Table Lines

If you made a custom container with an inconsistent specification such as claiming the ability to "insert" a line in a table pane without "auto position", this would lead to an error when attempting to access that container through the REST interface.

This situation is now avoided by letting the extension framework leniently removing non-sensible "insert" specifications (possibly changing them to "add" specifications).

Defect 1862870

Inefficient User Environment Creation

When logging into Maconomy through either iAccess or the Workspace client, a so called user environment is created. This environment can be extended by customizing the CouplingConfiguration.mcsl.xml file through an .mscl.xml extension fragment.

Prior to this release, heavily customized environments with a lot of extra entries would lead to slow login times to Maconomy, as well as slow loading of certain workspaces. This has now been fixed and heavily customized environments no longer negatively impact login times.

Defect 1865568

Only Allow JMX Connections from localhost

Whether or not JMX connections were only allowed from localhost was configurable from MConfig. This led to misconfigurations where JMX has been left open listening on all interfaces. To enhance security, JMX is now always locked down to only allow connections from localhost.

Defect 1871707

Background Tasks Marked Aborted Due to Time Out

Whenever a Coupling Service was shut down or restarted, any background tasks that were running on that Coupling Service were aborted and marked as timed-out. The error message has been improved to indicate that the background tasks were aborted due to the Coupling Service shutting down and not due to time-out.

Defect 1877085

Print Crashes if Warning Callback Received

If a warning was issues when running a print, an internal error would occur, and it was not possible to obtain the print.

Defect 1877922

Confusing Background Task Failure Message

Previously, trying to run a background task with an expired user would produce an unclear error message. The error message has been improved.

Defect 1887227

Database Shortname Error

When starting the MaconomyServer from a command line without specifying the shortname as a command-line parameter, the user would be prompted for the shortname. An error made it impossible to enter a shortname with 8 characters. This error has been fixed.

Defect 1901586

Restriction Parameter Not Working Correctly on Excel Export

When exporting data to Excel via background tasks, the Restriction-parameter to restrict the amount of output data was not working correctly when used in combination with Record Conditions.

The error has been fixed.

Defect 1909579

Transaction Timestamps Update Error

During data conversion to version 2.6 and above, transaction timestamps may be updated on some records even if transaction timestamp has been switched off.

Defect 1917581

Warning Messages on Dictionary Texts Exceeding 255 Bytes

Warning messages would be written to the Maconomy server log file (`MaconomyServer.log`) if the translated text of a dictionary entry contained a multibyte UTF8 character on the 255-byte boundary. These warnings would all start with `convToUTF8(...) failed. value is '<dictionary-text>'` where `<dictionary-text>` was the translated text from one of the installed user dictionaries. These warnings would typically not have any implications for the Maconomy installation aside from accumulating in the log file.

The internal processing of long dictionary texts has been improved. Warnings will now only be issued if the translated text is attempted used in a context where a 255-byte limit is imposed on the message text.

Defect 1932668

Error in Tree-table Containers

An error has been found in the optimized tree-table processor that was introduced in Maconomy 2.5.1. If any of the tree-table lines trigger a business logic error, the tree-table container would be left in an inconsistent state and subsequently fail in a non-obvious way. The message of the logged error could for instance be one of the following:

Record length (0) doesn't match relation's number of fields

Expected transaction to be started externally

Internal consistency error, 'dateDataValue.getMonth()' expected to be >= 1

Or there could just be an internal error associated with an uncaught exception in the Maconomy server process.

If encountered the issue could only be circumvented by manually fixing the problematic data in the database, or by a system-wide disabling of the optimized tree-table processor, using the following server settings:


TreeTableOptimizationEnabled = false

This issue has now been resolved. If the optimized tree-table processor was previously disabled on a Maconomy system we recommend it is now reenabled due to the performance benefits on large tree-tables.

Defect 1944949

Unified Web Daemon Rejects CGI Requests for Shortnames with Dashes

It was not possible to connect legacy MScript-based web products to a Maconomy shortname containing characters outside ascii letters, underscore and dot. The connection would be rejected with the following error logged in 'maconomy.log' on the Coupling Service:

Invalid initial request from CGI: [3;3] <shortname>.<language> Url="..."

-were '<shortname>' and '<language>' correspond to the values configured in the web product.

This error has now been corrected.

Defect 1949256

Analyzer Strings Not Extracted by LochLomond

Due to a bug in the tool that extracts terms for localization, some of the terms were not extracted and thus not localized. This has been corrected.

Defect 1956071

MPL Runtime Error for Password-protected PDFs

MPL supports adding images as well as attaching PDF documents into a print. Such documents must reside in the Maconomy Document Archives. When adding a pdf or an image into a print, the path to the pdf/image is often specified by the user. This bug fix streamlines the way MPL handles error situations when referencing images/PDF documents that either do not exist or are in the wrong format.

From now on, when such images/PDFs are requested to be added to an MPL print, it will result in:

  • a missing image/pdf icon in the MPL print in the place where the image/pdf was supposed to appear.
  • a notification in the client specifying the exact reason why the image/pdf could not be included.

Defect 1964631

Monitor Log Attempts to Resolve Popup Title

When the APM framework logged container requests containing unresolved popup values, the attempts to resolve these values would fail and write a number of error-level log entries to 'maconomy.log'. The error messages of these log entries would typically contain the text 'No server access while trying to fix a popup'. While these errors looked serious and would create a lot of extra output in the log file, they did not affect the request being executed, nor did they prevent the APM log entries from being written.

Logging of container requests containing unresolved popup values will no longer result in errors.

Defect 1967029

Missing Error Message on Overly Large Universe Queries

If a universe query returned more data than the Maconomy server could process, the resulting error message would not include an explanation of why the query failed.

The error message will now include details of the underlying error (typically a memory allocation exception) that causes the query to fail.

Defect 1967313

Unclear Error Messages Upon Opening PDF Reports

Incorrectly configured BPM parameters would lead to unclear/confusing error message when trying to open PDF reports from the Workspace Client. The error message has been improved.

Defect 1992595

Unknown Fields Should Return Bad Request

On filter requests towards the Containers Web Service, it has been possible to include a restriction parameter referring to hidden fields of the filter pane. This has been fixed.

Defect 199970

Slow Performance When Creating Data Import Package

The performance of creating a Data Import Package and/or attaching files from an import file has been significantly improved.

Progress bars are added to inform the user about the progress of different steps. A bug leading to an internal error when the package creation (by import) was running for more than 15 minutes has been fixed.

Defect 201010

Incorrect Log Message When Precompiled SQL Expression Fails

There was an error in the log message written to 'MaconomyServer.log' if a macro-enabled SQL expression failed to execute on the database. The logged error message was supposed to include both the original and the expanded SQL expression, but the "expanded" statement was actually also just the original SQL expression. Furthermore, if the SQL expression contained parameterized macros, the logged expression would be truncated after the first macro parameter list.

The log will now correctly show the full original and macro-expanded SQL expression.

Defect 1843211

Import Help Shows Closed Fields as Open

In the built-in help for import programs, some fields are shown as open even though they are closed.

Defect 2012532

Updated Chinese Translation for Reconciliation Amounts

In Chinese, "Amount for reconciliation, Base" (Amount to be reconciled) and "Amount Reconciled, Base" (amount previously reconciled) both translate to " 对账金额,基准". These are fields in the G/L Entry table and appear in a number of containers, such as Show G/L Entries.

The translations are updated as follows:

Amount for reconciliation, Base :待 对账金额,基准

Amount Reconciled, Base :已 对账金额,基 准

Note: The same changes are applied to other variants (Enterprise, Currency and no currency specification).

Defect 2012600

Incorrect Translation of Teams in Danish and Norwegian

We've had the concept of "Teams" for a long time, and now we also have "Employee Groups" which are essentially the same thing, but for technical reasons, they need to be maintained separately.

In Danish and Norwegian, the translation of "Teams" will be changed from "Medarbejdergrupper"/"Medarbeidergrupper" to "Teams".

Defect 1992595

Unknown Fields Should Return Bad Request

On filter requests towards the Containers Web Service it has been possible to include a restriction parameter referring to hidden fields of the filter pane. This has been fixed.

Defect 1820988

Request Completed Even When Method Not Allowed

In the version of the Maconomy RESTful web services released with Maconomy 2.6.2, the authentication approach has changed. When acquiring the root resource of the Authentication Web Service, any available authentication scheme is allowed (X-Basic, X-ChangePassword, ...), but for all other requests, the X-Reconnect and the X-Cookie scheme are the only schemes allowed. Consequently, somewhere in the chain of requests prior to an authentication demanding request, there must be a request towards the root resource of the Authentication Web Service pulling some initial reconnect information. Further details can be found in version 2.6 of the Programmer's Guide for the Maconomy RESTful web services.

Defect 1897777

Saving New Charge Table Line Results in Internal Error

For some containers, such as the Charge Tables container, it was not previously possible to successfully add a new table pane record through the Containers Web Service. This error is corrected.