Quote Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Quote tab of the Quotes workspace.

Tab Fields

Field Description
New Quote Price This field displays the total price of the quote in the job's specified currency.
Invoice Discount This field displays the invoice discount for the job in the job's specified currency.
Tax This field displays the taxed amount according to the selected code in the Tax Code field.
Balance Due This field displays the total order confirmation price in the job's specified currency. It is the sum of the values in the New Quote Price, Invoice Discount, and Tax fields.
Effective Quote Price This field displays the effective quote price of the job. The quote must be approved whenever the quote price is changed for the price to reflect in this field.
Budget Type This field displays the budget type of the selected job budget.
Billing Price This field displays the currency and total price of the job quote, excluding tax.
Deviation This field shows the difference between the billing and quote prices.
Remarks 1-3 Enter additional information related to the job quote in these fields.

Tab Actions

Button Description
Submit Quote Click this action button to submit a quote for approval. After submission, the record status is updated, and this action is disabled until you make additional changes.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Approve Quote Click this action button to approve a quote.

This action is available for users with requisite access rights only.
Reopen Quote Click this action to reopen the job quote.

Once reopened, you can add, edit, or delete quote lines.
Other Actions In the Quotes workspace, this drop-down list includes the following actions:
  • Print Quote - Click this action to print an approved job quote.
  • Print Draft Quote - Click this action to generate a PDF of the selected job quote. You may review the PDF on screen, or save and print a copy.
  • Print Order Confirmation - Click this action to print a job order confirmation.
  • Delete Quote Lines - Click this action to delete quote lines.
  • Copy Quote... - Click this action to copy a quote by using either the job number or the revision number. Once you have selected the lines, these are added to the current quote.
  • Restore Quote Revision - Click this action to restore a quote revision.