Maconomy Web Client Menu

The menu lists the different workspaces available in the application, and includes buttons for viewing notifications, settings, and the online help.

Click a menu item to navigate to a specific workspace.

The following table describes additional buttons found in the menu:

Button Description
Click to hide/display the menu of workspaces. The menu is further subdivided into sections and submenus. Expand these as needed to drill down to a specific workspace.
Click the My Analyzer Reports icon to display the tabs that list the following Analyzer reports:

My Reports tab

This tab lists all your saved reports. Click any report to open the relevant report workspace, or click on the row tool to run the report in the background.

The following actions are available at the bottom of the tab:

  • Refresh
  • Import - Click this action to import another user's customized report to your application.

Finished Reports tab

This tab lists the following:

  • Currently running reports
  • Failed reports
  • Cancelled reports
  • Finished report outputs

Select a report or report output to view it in the relevant report workspace.

The following actions are available at the bottom of the tab:

  • Refresh
  • Delete all
  • Filter

The following actions are available for each report listed in the dropdown:

  • Cancel - This is enabled only for reports that are currently running.
  • Delete
  • Rerun
Note: This icon only displays if you have access to at least one of the following: a web Analyzer workspace, a finished Analyzer report, or an Analyzer report listed under Recent Places in the menu.
Click the speech bubble icon, and Maconomy displays a dropdown that lists your unread messages. Select one to read and/or reply to that message.
Click the bell icon, and Maconomy displays a dropdown that lists your pending notifications. Select one to take action.
Click to open the online help system.
Click to open the system settings options for the user.