
The registration of the delivery of issues is carried out in the window Print Packing Slip in the Sales Orders module.

In this window, you enter a specification of the range of subscriptions or subscription orders you wish to print out for delivery. A detailed description of the window Print Packing Slip is given in the chapter “Sales Orders” in the reference manual.

As mentioned above, delivery lines are created whenever a subscription order is updated in the window Subscription Information Card. Updating subscriptions leads to the creation of a delivery line for every issue which is part of the current customer’s order. You can also create delivery lines, using the action “Get Issues” in the window Subscription Orders. During the creation of delivery lines, a sales order is created in the Sales Orders module as well. The sales order is based on the subscription order in use at the time of creation. Sales orders created in the subscription module are only shown in the window Sales Orders if the field “Show Subscription Sales Orders” in the window System Information is marked. Note that the window Sales Orders only allows you to view and not process orders created in the subscription module. Changes to subscription-related sales orders must be made in the window Subscription Orders.

When delivery lines and sales orders are created for a subscription order, delivery will take place according to the same guidelines as in connection with ordinary sales orders, that is, you can print out packing lists and create packing slips. When a packing slip is created, it corresponds to the delivery of the current issue and Maconomy will register the reduction of inventory provided that inventory control is used on the current issue. If invoicing is controlled by delivery, the issue will, at this point, also be ready for invoicing.