Customize Columns

You can open the Customize columns window by right-clicking in the header of a table and selecting Customize columns from the context menu.

There are two boxes with lists of fields in this window:

  • Available columns: Contains all fields that it is possible to show as columns in the table, but that are not shown at the moment.
  • Show columns in this order : Is a list of fields currently shown as columns. You can order the columns by selecting one or more fields here and clicking the up or down arrow buttons to move the selected fields up and down. Up and down corresponds to left/right in the table: the field at the top will be the column at the left end of the table, and so forth.

You can move fields from one list to the other by selecting them and then clicking the Add or the Remove button.

Finally, you can click the Revert to defaults link that resets everything to the defaults. Any changes are only applied when you close the window by clicking OK.