Customer Update

The following information is maintained on the Firm in Deltek CRM after creation and flows back to Maconomy.

Deltek CRM Field Maconomy Field Notes
Name (CL.Name) Customer.CrmCustomerName
ID (CL.Client) Customer.CrmCustomerId
Address 1 (CLAddress.Address1) Customer.Name2
Address 2 (CLAddress.Address2) Customer.Name3
Address 3 (CLAddress.Address3) Customer.Name4
City (CLAddress.City) Customer.PostalDistrict
ZIP (CLAddress.ZIP) Customer.ZIPCode
Phone Customer.Telephone
Fax Customer.Telefax
Country (CLAddress.Country) Customer.Country (depends on country/state setup)
State (CLAddress.State) Customer.Name5 (depends on country/state setup)
Account Manager (ClientCustomTabFields.CustAccountManager) Customer.AccountManager