Create a Pre-Invoice

Use these steps to create a pre-invoice.

  1. Go to Jobs > Invoicing > Invoice on Account.
  2. In the New Invoice on Account island, add an amount in the Total field.
  3. Click Enter. If the “Use Job Pre-Invoices by Default” attribute is set to Yes, Maconomy automatically populates the Invoice Type field with Pre-Invoice. Otherwise, select Pre-Invoice in the Invoice Type field.
  4. Click .
  5. Click as needed. The Pre-Invoice displays in the same format as typical invoices, but with a “Draft Pre-Invoice” title in the header.
  6. Click Print Invoice to create the pre-invoice.
    Note: Entries for pre-invoices do not appear in the Customer Entries workspace, as typical invoices do. Entries for pre-invoices appear only when the payment is reconciled, at which time pre-invoices automatically become invoices on account.