Cost Prices

This section provides information on the calculation of cost prices in the Job Cost module.

Activity Type The cost price is found by the following order of priority:
  • Job specific price list
  • If the cost price is not found here:
  • The general job price list specified for cost prices on the job in the Job Price Information window.
  • If the cost price is not found here:
  • The cost price specified for the employee in the Employees window in the Set-Up module or, if an employee category has been specified instead of an employee, the cost price from the category in question.
  • If no cost price but an item number has been specified on the employee’s information card:
  • If no sales price system has been selected for the item, the latest cost price specified for the item is used.
  • If a sales price system has been selected for the item, the current item’s sales price is used as specified in the current job’s item price list (selected in the Job Price Information window) and is divided by the item’s profit margin percentage as specified on the Item Information Card in the Cost Prices island.
Amount (internal expense)
  • The amount entered in the Cost Price, Base field on the line in the current window (for example, the Job Journal window).

    If no amount is specified here:

  • Job specific price list

    If the cost price is not found here:

  • The general job price list specified for cost prices for the job in the Job Price Information window.

    If the cost price is not found here:

  • The cost price specified for the activity in the Activities window.

    If no cost price but an item number has been specified on the Activity Information Card:

  • If no sales price system has been specified for the item, the latest cost price specified for the item is used.

    If a sales price system has been selected for the item, the current item’s sales price is used as specified in the current job’s item price list (selected in the Job Price Information window) and is divided by the item’s profit margin percentage as specified in the Cost Prices island on the Item Information Card.

Amount (external expense) The amount in base entered in the Unit Price field in the table part of the Invoice Allocation or Reallocate Invoices window after the receipt and registration of a vendor invoice.