Company-Specific Dimension Values

Use company-specific dimension values to enter a range of company numbers to track.

You can enter a value for each dimension and specify if the value should overwrite any existing dimension value.

When Maconomy derives values, it uses the process below to allocate derived dimension order:

  • If a value is specified for the dimension in the Derived Dimensions island on the activity, this value is used along with its “Overwrite” specification.
  • If no value is specified in Step 1, Maconomy uses the value specified for the dimension in the topmost line which indicates the company for which the entry is made, along with its “Overwrite” specification.
  • If no value is found in Step 2, Maconomy uses the value specified in the tab of the Dimension Combination workspace, along with its “Overwrite” specification.
  • If no dimension value is found in the tab, no value is derived for the current dimension from this derivation priority.
    Note: The Overwrite field for a given dimension is always retrieved from the same location as the dimension value. This means that if the dimension value is retrieved from the sub-tab of a dimension combination, the value of the Overwrite field is also retrieved from the sub-tab of the dimension combination.