Calculate Gross Pay by Contact Person

Use these steps to calculate gross pay by contact person.

Prerequisite: Complete the steps in Calculate Gross Pay to Use in Payroll Systems.

To calculate gross pay by contact person:

  1. Click on the Gross Pay tab to see details by contact person.
  2. Review information on the Gross Pay and Gross Pay Line sub-tabs and make adjustments as needed.

    For example, if the pay must be adjusted for this calculation, update the Gross Pay, Agreement Currency field.

    Note: You can only have one unapproved Gross Pay Calculation line open at a time, and only one approved calculation change for the same period.

    Any changes in the Gross Pay Calculations sub-tab only update this particular calculation, and do not update the overall agreement.

  3. Click Save.

    Note: Click to undo any changes made to the calculation result, and recalculate the gross pay according to the agreement setup.