Print Currency Report

You can select specific exchange rates for sales and purchases in the Print Currency Report Workspace.

These were mandatory and the standard exchange rate table is used as default value.

With the 2.6 release, the Sales Exchange Rate Table and Purchasing Exchange Rate Table fields are no longer mandatory, and there are no default values. You can enter an exchange rate table when you run the report. Maconomy still uses the exchange rate table you specified for conversion to base currency. However, if you do not specify an exchange rate table, the system derives it from the company specific exchange rate table for the company of the transaction, for example for finance, customer, vendor, or job entry.

You can use a company specific exchange rate table when you calculate and post unrealized exchange rate variances. Thus, you can calculate an unrealized balancing exchange rate variance from the base currency. Additionally, Maconomy uses the new enterprise exchange rate table to convert from base to enterprise currency.

Additionally, Maconomy posts the offset for the unrealized exchange rate variance in enterprise to the following posting references:

  • A/R related enterprise exchange rate variances are posted on Unrealized A/R Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance.
  • A/P related enterprise exchange rate variances are posted on Unrealized A/P Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance.
  • G/L related enterprise exchange rate variances are posted on Unrealized G/L Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance.
  • WIP related enterprise exchange rate variances are posted on Work in Progress, Unrealized Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance.
  • Invoice on Account related enterprise exchange rate variances are posted on Invoiced on Account, Unrealized Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance.