Budget Template

The budget template contains various information that is relevant to your budget.

This includes the following:

  • Fiscal year and fiscal year template of the budgets
  • Exchange rate table for converting between currencies
  • Lines that compose each budget
  • Hierarchy of the departments of the organization, used when aggregating values throughout the organization
  • Employee categories with default values for use in the budget
  • Allocation and surcharge keys available on the budgets
  • Procedure on copying dimensions on settlement lines
  • Relationships between employees and departments

Templates can be created for each fiscal year to accommodate the needs for versioning budgets.

When a template is fully set up, it is sent out to the departments specified in the budget hierarchy so a budget can be created for each department. After a budget is created, several parts of the template are locked in and cannot be changed. If an error is detected on the template, such as a missing line or incorrect order, then reopen the template using a predefined action. However, this action causes removal of all budgets created from this template, and thus, all values entered on any of these budgets will be lost.