Budget Lines

All lines on the budget template appear on all budgets created from this template.

On each line of the budget template you must specify the following:

  • Line name
  • Line type
  • Line definition as income or expense line

The budget template also identifies whether or not the line should be transferred to the budget journal when budgets are approved. Direct Cost and External Settlements lines can be set not to be transferred; however, any Direct Cost lines and Settlement lines on subbudgets should be transferred.

Additionally, the following information can be specified:

  • Line dimensions: Any dimension specified on a budget hierarchy line will override the dimension specified on the line.
  • Dimension interval: The dimension interval is used to retrieve actual registrations in Maconomy that are related to this line.
  • Reference line: For calculation lines, a reference line could be specified. The values on the calculation line are calculated on the basis of the reference line.
  • Default distribution: For manual, calculation, salary, direct cost, and revenue lines, a default distribution can be set.