Automatic Approval for No Specified Approvers

Maconomy allows companies to use approval hierarchies with no specified approvers.

If the Automatic approval if no approvers specified check box is selected for a hierarchy with no specified approver and a user triggers that hierarchy, Maconomy automatically approves the transaction.

An approval hierarchy is classified as having no specified approver if it falls under one of two scenarios:

  • No approver is specified in the Approvers sliding panel.
  • Approvers are specified in the Approvers sliding panel, but none fall within the target group specified in the Selection Criterion Specification field.
  • If the Automatic approval i > f no approvers specified check box is not selected for an approval hierarchy and no approvers are specified, triggering the hierarchy causes Maconomy to display an error message and stop the approval process.

This is useful when companies would like a setup similar to the following example:

Scenario Use Required Approvers
If the purchase order amount is greater than 1000 (in the currency used) but less than 2000 Approval Hierarchy A Approver 1

Approver 2

If the purchase order amount is greater than 500 but less than 1000 Approval Hierarchy B Approver 3
If the purchase order amount is less than 500 Approval Hierarchy C None

The preceding example is for purchase orders, but this functionality applies to all approval types.