Ask Dela
Ask Dela is an innovative, OpenAI-powered digital assistant that transforms how you interact with the vast amount of data in your Maconomy system.
Designed to make your workflow smoother, Dela lets you query your data in natural language. Whether you are reviewing records or searching for detailed information, Ask Dela streamlines your access to insights, saving you time and enhancing productivity.
As you engage with Ask Dela, you can request more detailed information, follow up on your initial queries, and receive comprehensive responses. You can provide feedback to improve Ask Dela by liking or disliking the responses. You can also copy Dela's responses by clicking the Copy icon.
Ask Dela supports conversations about multiple records. You can also ask questions about a record that is currently open in the web client, and Dela will provide answers specifically about it. At the top right corner of the screen, click to access Ask Dela. You can drag the left side of the chat window to resize it. To clear your chat history, click the New Thread action.
Security and Access Control
Ask Dela respects application, record, and field-level security settings in Maconomy.
Ask Dela is disabled by default and must be enabled via a system parameter.
System administrators can limit access to the digital assistant to specific users only. User role actions are available to support this functionality. A user role action can also grant system administrators access to see chats for all users in the Threads reference workspace.
For more information about enabling Ask Dela and granting access to users, refer to the Deltek Maconomy System Admin Guide.
When you access Dela for the first time, you must accept the following disclaimer that displays in the chat window:
Dela is generated by an artificial intelligence tool. It is provided subject to the Maconomy Product terms, and Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each Dela chat. Users should independently review and verify the accuracy of the Dela chat.In this version, Ask Dela provides convenient access to details about the following records:
- Employees
- Customers
- Vendors
- Contact Companies
- Contact Persons
- Jobs
- Job invoices
- Purchase order lines
- Vendor invoices
- Vendor invoice allocation lines
- Timesheets and timesheet lines
- Opportunities
The current version of Dela utilizes information only from the filter list of the aforementioned dialogs.
Use Ask Dela
Explore guidelines for optimal usage of Ask Dela in Maconomy, including tips for clear communication, leveraging conversational context, and understanding current limitations for effective interaction.
Guidelines for Using Ask Dela
To ensure the best experience, follow these guidelines:
Be Specific with Questions: Ask clear, detailed questions about individual records for accurate responses.
Provide Context: Give record names, IDs, or other identifiers for precise information retrieval.
Structure Prompts Logically: Organize prompts logically for easy comprehension and keep prompts relative and to the point.
Use Proper Terminology: Speak Maconomy’s language and refer to data points by their actual field names.
Verify Responses: Double-check responses, especially for crucial decisions or data, as occasional inaccuracies may occur.
Understand Limitation: Recognize that complex calculations or queries beyond its scope may not be handled.
Check Data Access: Ensure that your permissions align with requested data.
Use for Intended Purpose: Stick to record and job inquiries and avoid unrelated questions.
Maintain Clear Context: Reset conversation context if needed to receive relevant responses.
Adapt Prompts: Learn from past interactions and adjust prompts accordingly.
Test and Learn: Experiment with different prompt styles for optimal results.
Report Issues: Report persistent inaccuracies to Deltek Support Services for improvements.
Clear Conversation History: If Ask Dela loses context or provides an unrelated response, consider clearing the conversation history or rephrasing your question to reset the context. Ask Dela remembers the context of the last ten questions. It remembers the questions and answers, and it remembers the specific record for the last answer. Click the New Thread action to clear the conversation.
Current Limitations of Ask Dela
While Ask Dela brings significant advancements to your Maconomy experience, it is important to be aware of the following limitations:
- No Support for Dictionaries: Dictionaries for different languages are currently not applied when using Ask Dela.
- Limitation on Answer Scope: Ask Dela can retrieve a large number of records as a response to an inquiry. However, it can only list a maximum of 25 records in its response. If your inquiry evokes an answer with more than 25 records, Dela will either list the first 25 records it retrieves, or ask you to provide a more detailed inquiry to narrow down the results that can be listed. Dela also does not currently support providing answers related to values on any fields in Maconomy.
- Inability to Perform Actions: Ask Dela does not currently support performing actions in the web client, such as submitting a record for you.
- Limitation of Full Conversation History Retention: Although Ask Dela retains the conversation history within the dialog, it is important to note that it remembers the context of the last ten questions.
- Limitations on Supported Data Tables and Fields: Certain data tables and fields are not supported, including user-defined tables and user-defined fields.
- Limitations on Answering 'How To' Inquiries: Ask Dela only provides generic guidelines when you ask simple “how to” inquiries, such as how to register a timesheet.
Limitations on Accuracy of Responses: Dela may provide inaccurate responses pertaining to nonexistent records in Maconomy. Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each response. Users should independently review and verify the accuracy of these responses or seek additional advice from a qualified professional before relying on these responses.
Sample Prompts
Review sample prompts to learn how to converse with Ask Dela effectively.
Request | Sample Prompt |
Job Participation | List the jobs that Jim Jarrett has worked on in 2024. |
Activity Status | What is the most recent activity for Jim Jarrett? |
Role Inquiry | Who is the PM for the Innovative Visual Merchandising Solutions job? |
Pricing Information Inquiry | What are the available fields for pricing in the table for Job 1010001? |
Cost Inquiry | What are the total registered costs on the Danish Design Emporium job? |