Approval Hierarchies Example Workflow

Use the various tabs and panels in the Approval Hierarchies workspace of the Setup module to set up approval hierarchies and to make changes to existing hierarchies.

Use the workspaces specific to the transaction or type of master data to utilize the approval processes you created.

This workflow provides a high-level discussion of the tasks related to the initial set-up of an approval hierarchy for vendors and the creation of a new vendor.

Task Frequency User Details
Set Up States Once/Periodically Admin Specify the statuses that a new vendor goes through in the approval process. Create these manually.
Set Up an Approval Hierarchy Once/Periodically Admin Set up an approval hierarchy for created vendors.
Create a Vendor Regularly Employee Create a vendor. You may do this by copying template information from a parent vendor.
Approve a Vendor Regularly Employee Approve a vendor for the first status.
Add Vendor Information Regularly Employee Add more details about the new vendor (for example, bank account number).
Approve a Vendor Regularly Employee Approve a vendor for the second status.

The vendor reaches the third status, and is now fully approved.

Depending on the set-up, changes to certain vendor information result in the vendor undergoing the approval process again.

The workflows for transactions and other types of master data may differ from the example presented here.


