Transfer Job Quote to Draft Invoices

The standard workflow is to approve the invoice selection and have job quote lines appear as basis for invoice editing according to invoice layout rules.

This feature is available for T&M invoices, invoices on account (IOA), and invoice preparation where the budget is the basis. Upon approval, the draft invoice on account is based on the job quote lines of the latest job quote.

You can choose whether you would like to base draft invoices, whether IOA or T&M, on the latest approved job quote, by enabling the Approved Job Quote as Basis for Draft Invoice system parameter. When this is enabled, the transfer occurs only when an approved job quote exists, regardless of whether a more recent but unapproved revision exists.

To transfer job quotes to a draft invoice, you can select one of the following check boxes in the invoice layout rules, as appropriate:

  • Create Invoice on Account from Quote for on account invoices
  • Create T&M Invoice from Quote for T&M invoices

When you have draft invoices of both T&M and on account on the same job, they are based on the same job quote lines. Combined invoicing of T&M and on account invoices includes only one copy to the job quote lines as basis for editing.