Multiple Check-in or Check-out Entries per Day

This functionality allows employees to log multiple check-in and check-out entries per day to track work hours in time sheets.

This provides a more detailed and accurate representation of all work hours logged daily.

Use the Check-in tab in both daily and weekly time sheets to log and view all check-in and check-out entries within a specific day. Maconomy displays the total number of hours registered daily and weekly, as well as the balance between registered work time and check-in time. A company can choose to round up employee in check-in and check-out entries using a system parameter introduced with this feature.

Enabling this feature is done on an employee record. When multiple daily check-in entries are enabled on an employee revision on the record, the check-in tabs become available in daily and weekly time sheets for the period indicated in the revision. Note that if you disable check-in on an employee revision, then any registered check-in-data will not be deleted. However, the workspace will no longer show the check-in tabs in weekly and daily time sheets.

When you create a check-in/check-out entry for a date covered by the time sheet, the sub-tab automatically sorts the lines by check-in time to ensure entries are always displayed in order. When you enter lines for the day, take note of the following:

  • Entry times must not overlap. Specifically, the correct way to log check-in entries is displayed as so:
    Check-in Time Check-out Time
    09:00 12:00
    12:00 13:00
    09:00 12:00
    11:50 13:00
  • You must enter a check-in time in each entry line.
  • The check-in time must be before the check-out time.
  • You cannot create zero duration check-in entries (for example, 08:00 to 08:00).
  • If you enter 00:00 as the check-in time, the system logs this as the beginning of the day.
  • Depending on time format set up for your company (either 12-hour or 24-hour format), if you enter 00:00 or 24:00 as the check-out time, the system logs this as the end of the day.
  • When you submit the time sheet, all check-in and check-out times must have values.
  • If the company has chosen to round up employee check-in time, the system calculates entries as follows:
    • The first daily totals are rounded up to the nearest minutes defined by the system parameter.
    • Rounded totals for each day are summed up for all the week days.

Additionally, this feature currently has the following limitations:

  • You cannot register a single time entry that spans from 00:00 to 24:00. An error occurs when you save the line. You must create a minimum of two entries to split the check-in times. For example, you may record check-ins in two entries, one or 00:00 to 09:00 and another for 09:00 to 24:00.
  • Check-in and out time cannot span days. If you work on a shift that crosses to the next day, you must create a minimum of two check-in entries, one for each day. For example, create one entry for 22:00 to 00:00, and a second entry for 00:00 to 05:00 on the following date.

The system blocks submission of a timesheet if the check-in balance is negative, which means that the check-in time is less than the time registered. It calculates check-in balance for each date to ensure accuracy.

For example, if you are required to work eight hours per day, then you create a check-in entry for five hours of work, and a separate entry for one more hour of work, the system calculates this as a total of six hours logged for the day. If you try to submit your daily time sheet with these entries, an error occurs as there are still two hours unaccounted for. You must make sure to create check-in and check-out entries that are equal to eight hours, or exceeds this value.

Note that employees with split week time sheets show only the tabs that are relevant for the days of the split week.