Enable Quick Capture with ICR

The Quick Capture with ICR functionality is turned off by default, and a user can turn it on by toggling the Use ICR for Expenses switch on from the Settings screen.

For the toggle switch to display, a system administrator needs to review the values of the following server side settings:

  • ShowSettingICR: This option allows you to show or hide the Use ICR for Expenses toggle switch on the Settings screen. The default value is True, which allows users to see the setting in the app.
  • DefaultValueForSettingICR: This option represents the default setting of the Use ICR for Expenses toggle switch on the Settings screen. The default value is False, and as a result, the toggle switch is also off.
  • CanChangeSettingICR: This option allows you to control if users can change the Use ICR for Expenses toggle switch setting on the Settings screen. The default value is False, which prohibits users from changing the setting.