Closing and Cancelling

Job Closing

A job cannot be closed if it has pre-invoices:
  • In the pending payment state.
  • In the payment received state, where the pre-invoice is not fully reconciled (this check is part of the existing invoice on account functionality).

A pending job action is shown for pre-invoices that were cancelled, but not yet reported to the customer on a T&M invoice, but it does not prevent job closing. Such pre-invoices might have been reported via a customer statement.


You can cancel pre-invoices manually via a Cancel Pre-Invoices action, or automatically, through printing of a T&M invoice.

If any pre-invoices are unpaid at the time that a regular T&M invoice is issued, issuing the T&M invoice automatically cancels the pre-invoices, and they do not reduce the amount of the T&M invoice. The customer is now expected to pay the T&M invoice and not the pre-invoices.

Pre-invoices can also be cancelled manually if needed, such as if the contractual terms of the job have changed, affecting the invoice schedule, or if the job has been cancelled.

A pre-invoice can be cancelled as long as there is no payment registered against it. No customer payment can be reconciled against a cancelled pre-invoice, and it cannot take part in reconciliation of T&M invoices. However, it still exists in the system for tracking purposes.

All cancelled pre-invoices (whether they were cancelled manually or automatically) must be reported to the customer. They are reported on the first T&M invoice issued after the cancellation.

An unpaid pre-invoice can be cancelled, and a cancellation notice can be issued to the customer instead of a credit memo. The cancellation notice takes the form of a note on a subsequent Time & Material invoice or customer statement. Maconomy reports each cancellation only once. It tracks which pre-invoices have been reported previously and will not include them on future T&M invoices.

A pending job action is added that warns about cancelled unreported pre-invoices.

A pre-invoice cancellation can be reversed with the action Undo Cancel Pre-Invoice. This moves a cancelled pre-invoice back to the pending payment state.

Note: A pre-invoice cancelled by a T&M invoice can be un-cancelled either by printing a credit memo or by using the manual action. A pre-invoice cancelled via “Cancel Pre-Invoice” action can only be un-cancelled using the “Undo Cancel Pre-Invoice” action.