Budget Copying

Copying a budget means creating a budget model from an existing budget model with an option of transferring the figures of the existing budget model and of performing a price projection on the figures.

The figure below shows an example of budget copying.


A company budgets three years in advance. So they operate with three budget models called Anchor 98, Forecast 99, and Forecast 00. These are members of the same budget group, “A/98,” as shown in the figure above.

When at a later time the company needs to create Anchor 99 and Forecast 00 and 01, Maconomy enables them to transfer budget figures for all allocation combinations from one budget model to another on its creation; in this case from Forecast 99 to Anchor 99. When rolling a budget, you can also ensure that the 1999 budget is displayed in 1999 prices.

The budget figures are price projected by means of a price register which defines annual percentage price changes within a price area. Each price area is valid within specific ranges of the 12-dimensional chart of accounts. By using price areas you can take the different price development of various budget items into account.

Now more budget models (Forecast 00 and Forecast 01) with 1999 as the price year can be created from the Anchor 1999 budget model and be included in a new budget group (budget group A/99). Forecast 00 in budget group A/99 can also be created from Forecast 00 in the A/98 budget group.

In order to implement the transferal of the budget figures you have to approve them in the budget journal. Here you can change the figures manually before committing them to the Anchor 99 budget model.