Add Risk

Use these steps to create a risk.

To add a new risk:

  1. Go to Job Cost > Budgeting > Job Registers > Risks.
  2. Click New Risk.
  3. Enter the name of the risk.
  4. Click New Risk.
  5. In the Status field, select a risk status from the drop-down list.
  6. In the Type field, select a risk type from the drop-down list.
  7. In the Category field, select a risk category from the drop-down list.
  8. In the Description field, enter a description of the risk.
  9. In the Probability % field, enter the anticipated probability that the risk will occur.
  10. In the Owner field, click to search for an individual to assign as the risk owner.
    Note: Risk owners can receive notifications on upcoming job risk due dates.
  11. In the Due Date field, select a date from the drop-down.
    Note: The due date is considered the deadline for risk mitigation by the job manager or risk owner.