Subscription Orders Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subscription Orders tab.

Subscription Order Island

Field Description
Subscrip. Order No. This field shows the number of the current subscription order. The number is automatically entered from the system numbers series “Sales Orders” in the window System Numbers in the Setup module.
Order Mode This field shows the order mode of the subscription. This can, for example, be per phone or letter.
Sales Rep. No. In this field, you enter the number of the sales representative responsible for the subscription.
Sales Rep. This field shows the name of the sales representative.
Received by In this field, you enter the name of the employee who received the order for the current subscription. By default, the user who created the order in Maconomy is shown, but you can alter the name in this field.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer In this field, you enter the number of the customer who ordered the subscription. Maconomy checks that the customer exists in the accounts receivable module and that order processing is not blocked.

The other lines in this field show the customer’s name and address. The information is automatically transferred from the customer information card in the accounts receivable module. However, you can alter the name and address in this field.

Attn. This field shows the name of the attention person of the customer to which any contact should be directed. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the name here.
Country This field shows the customer’s country. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the name here.
Phone This field shows the customer’s phone number. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the name here.
Fax This field shows the customer’s fax number. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the name here.
Telex This field shows the customer’s telex number. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the name here.
E-mail This field shows the customer’s e-mail address. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the name here.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the subscription order. The number is either transferred from the customer’s information card or the current user, depending on the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the set-up module.

If the company in this field is different from the one shown in the island Settling Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances at the posting of the invoice created as a result of the order. In the intercompany balance, the company in this field will be the responsible company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company. See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of responsible companies and intercompany balances.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the number of the settling company that applies to the currently displayed subscription order.

If the company in this field is different from the one shown in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances at the posting of the invoice created as a result of the order. In the intercompany balance, the company in this field will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is determined, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module.” Intercompany balances are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Statistics to Tax Authorities Island

Field Description
EU Sale Here you specify whether the current subscription order is to be considered an EU sale. If the field “Sales List System Rep.” in the window System Information is marked, Maconomy will suggest EU Sale provided that the customer belong to another EU country and the field “Tax” is not marked. If you mark the field “Sales List System Rep.,” it means that the invoice is included in the quarterly report to the List System in EU.
Intrastat Reg. Here you specify whether the current subscription is to be included in the monthly report to Intrastat after invoicing. If the field “Intrastat Export Rep.” in the window System Information is marked, Maconomy will suggest reporting to Intrastat provided that the customer belongs to another EU country and the field “Tax” is not marked.
EU Trade Type In this field, you enter an EU trade type which can be either “Normal” or “Triangulation.” The triangulation type is used if you work as an intermediary in connection with sales from a vendor in another EU country to a customer in a third EU country. In such cases, the invoice amount is not included in the report of EU sale on the tax return, but instead reported with a separate code to the List System.
Nature In this field, you select the nature of the transaction which is used for reports to Intrastat. Transaction natures are defined in the window Popup Fields in the Set-up module.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select a number of pop-up values for further specification of the customer and the current subscription order. When you create a new subscription order, the pop-up values are transferred from the customer’s information card, but you can change the values here. The options are created in the window Popup fields in the Set-Up module.

Price Adjustment Island

Field Description
Price Adjustment Principle In this field, you enter the price adjustment principle to be suggested on new lines created in the table part. Maconomy suggests the price adjustment principle entered on the customer information card in the A/R module, but you can alter the code in this field.

For further information on the use of price adjustment principles, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the set-up module.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the window Dimension Derivation for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you select the layout you wish to use. You can choose between the layouts “Standard,” “Customer” and “Subscription Sorted.” If you select the layout “Standard,” one subscription order is printed out per page. If you use the layout “Customer” and “Subscription Sorted” respectively, the printout will be sorted in accordance with either customer or subscription numbers.

Job Cost Island

Field Description
Invoice in Job Cost If invoicing of the subscription order should be carried out in the Job Cost module, you can mark this field. You can only mark this field, if the subscription order is assigned to a job.

If you mark this field, it is not possible to invoice the subscription order in the order module. The created sales order will be handled in the same way as sales orders assigned to the Job Cost module are handled.

After having created order lines on the subscription order, the contents of this field cannot be changed (that is, lines are displayed in the window Subscription Order Lines).

Job No. In this field, you can enter the number of a job registered in the Job Cost module, if you want to assign the current subscription order to a job. If you enter a job number when creating a subscription order and you leave the field “Customer No.” blank in the island “Ship to Address,” the order is automatically assigned to the same customer as the job.

If the field ” Invoice in Job Cost” has not been marked, the sales orders created will be invoiced separately in the order module, and the volume amounts will be transferred to the current job.

Maconomy checks if the current job is on order and is neither blocked nor closed. If the subscription order is not provided with the same ship-to customer number as the job, Maconomy displays a warning. If a value is entered in this field, you must also enter the number of an amount activity in the field “Activity No..”

Once you have created order lines on the subscription order, the contents of this field can no longer be changed (that is, lines are displayed in the window Subscription Order Lines).

Activity No. In this field, you must enter the number of an activity in the Job Cost module if the current subscription order is assigned to a job. Sales will be registered on the specified activity.

Once you have created lines on the subscription order, the contents of this field can no longer be changed.

Task In this field, you can enter the name of a task, if the subscription order is assigned to a job.

Once you have created lines on the subscription order, the contents of this field can no longer be changed.

Accrual Type If you select a value in this field, the selected accrual type will be used when the subscription order is invoiced via the Job Cost module. This means the revenue generated from the subscription order will be accrued evenly across the invoicing period specified in the “Invoicing Start Date” and “Invoicing End Date” fields in the table part. Please note that this field can be changed manually after a subscription order has been created.

If you do not specify an accrual type in this field, Maconomy will process the revenue from the subscription order as a one-off sale without accrual.

Remarks Island

Field Description
End User No.

This field shows a unique end customer number, which you can set up in the End Users workspace. The end customer is a customer who buys from one or more of your direct customers

Reference Enter the customer contact with whom you spoke about the subscription order. The name is printed on the subscription order.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer In this field, you enter the number of the billing customer. The value entered on the information card of the delivery customer is automatically transferred, but you can alter the billing customer’s number in this field. Maconomy checks that the customer exists in the accounts receivable module.

The two numbers Delivery Customer Number and Billing Customer Number are not necessarily alike, as you might want delivery to be made to one customer and the bill-to be sent to another customer, for example, the head office, and so on.

The other lines in this field show the name and address of the billing customer, created in the accounts receivable module. Changes in the information in this field must be made on the customer information card.

Attn. This field shows the billing customer’s address. The information is transferred from the customer information card.
Country This field shows the country of the current billing customer. The information is transferred from the customer information card.

Price Island

Field Description
Currency In this field, you select the valid currency for the current subscription order. The value is transferred from the current customer’s information card in the window Customer Information Card. You can modify the value here.
Price List In this field, you select a price list if you wish to use a price list to control the prices of an issue. The value entered on the information card of the delivery customer is automatically transferred, but you can select another price list in this field.

If no price list is entered, the calculation of the price of an issue will be based on the valid cost at the warehouse in question as well as on markup percentages.

Price Step You only have to complete this field if the field “Price List” is also completed. The field is used for registering whether the prices on each issue line are to be transferred from a fixed price step on the entered price list. You can select a price step between 1 and 6. The value entered on the information card of the delivery customer is automatically transferred, but you can modify the price step in this field.
Invoice Discount % In this field, you enter an invoice discount percentage. Maconomy suggests the percentage entered for either the delivery or the billing customer on the customer information card. Whether the percentage is transferred from the delivery or the billing customer will depend on whether the field “Inv. Disc from Bill to Cust.” on the system information card is marked. If a specific discount has been granted the customer, you can alter the invoice discount. The invoice discount is automatically deducted from the total amount and will appear from the printout of several external order papers.
Current price per year This field shows the current invoice amount per year for the selected subscription order. The amount in this field shows the sum of the line values in the “Extended Price” field in the table part, adjusted to the value in the “Time Unit” field. Consequently, if more than one subscription order line has been entered in the table part, the total sum of the “Extended Price“ values adjusted to the time unit values will be shown in the ‘“Current price per year” field.

The amount in this field also depends on the value entered in the “Invoicing Start Date” field. The date in this field on a subscription order line must be equal or prior to today’s date for the corresponding value in the “Extended Price” field to be added to the amount in the ‘“Current price per year” field. Also, please note that lines in which the value of the “Invoicing Method” field is set to “Per Delivery” will not be included in the calculated sum in the “Current price per year” field.

Customer Information Island

Field Description
Department In this field, you select the department in the company to which the subscription order is relevant. Maconomy will suggest the department entered for either the delivery or the billing customer on the customer information card, depending on whether the field “Inv. Disc from Bill to Cust.” on the system information card is marked, but you can select a different department in this field.

Departments are defined in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Customer Group This field shows the customer group to which the current customer was assigned when the subscription order was created. The value in this field is not automatically updated if the customer group is changed on the information card of the customer. However, you can change the value manually to match the new customer group of the customer.
Language In this field, you enter the language code you wish to use on the current subscription order. Maconomy suggests the language entered on the customer information card in the A/R module, but you can alter the code in this field.

Languages are defined in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Tax This field shows whether tax is to be calculated when invoicing takes place. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.
Tax No. In this field, you enter the customer’s tax number. The information is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.
Pmt. Terms In this field, you select the payment terms of the current subscription order. The value in the field is automatically transferred from the window Payment Information in the A/R module when a subscription order is created, but you can change the value in this field.
Global Location Number In this field, you can specify a global location number. In the window Rules of Validation, you can set up validation rules for global location numbers to ensure that the numbers entered in this field are valid.
Cust. Payment Mode In this field, you select the customer payment mode to apply to the current subscription order. The value in the field is automatically transferred from the window Payment Information in the A/R module when a subscription order is created, but you can change the value in this field.
Enterprise In this field, you assign an enterprise to the subscription order. The value is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.
Segment In this field, you assign a segment to the subscription order. The value is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.
Area In this field, you assign an area to the subscription order. The value is transferred from the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.
Company Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created in the window Popup Fields. The field is used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current subscription order, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the window Tax Tables in the G/L module. At this selection, Maconomy uses the tax table specified for the responsible company of the subscription order. This tax table is selected in the window Company Information. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table, if you have specified that tax tables which are specified in the window System Information are to be used, and only if the company responsible for the order is assigned to a tax table. If no tax table has been specified for the responsible company or if you use differentiated tax, and you do not use tax tables, Maconomy uses the tax code specified for the individual item in the window Item Information Card in the Inventory module. If you use neither differentiated tax nor tax tables, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

When posting subscription invoices, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create when crediting. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.

The value in this field is transferred from the customer information card, but can be changed here.

Delivery Island

Field Description
Blocked If you mark this field, you block the subscription order, and it is no longer possible to deliver items or carry out invoicing for this particular order.
Vacation Start In this field, you enter the vacation start date of the delivery customer. Issues published within the period of vacation will be created as sales order lines, but the number will be set at zero.
Vacation End In this field, you enter the end date of the delivery customer’s vacation.
Order Date In this field, you enter the order date of the current subscription order.
Warehouse In this field, you select the warehouse from which the current subscription order is to be delivered. Maconomy automatically suggests the warehouse which is normally used in connection with the customer, but you can alter the value in this field.

If you specify more than one warehouse for the issues assigned to a subscription, the sales order related to the subscription order is split up, resulting in one sales order for each warehouse. The split-up takes place at the approval of the subscription order. If the field “Get Inventory From Item” has been marked in the window System Information, Maconomy automatically transfers the primary warehouse of the item to each subscription order line. The primary warehouse of an item is specified in the window Item Information Card. If the field “Get Inventory From Item” has not been marked, Maconomy uses the warehouse specified in the card part of the window.

Carrier In this field, you select the carrier who is to deliver the ordered issues. Maconomy automatically transfers the carrier registered on the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.

Carriers are created in the window Popup Fields in the set-up module.

Delivery Mode In this field, you select the delivery mode for the current subscription order. Maconomy automatically suggests the delivery mode which is used on the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.
Delivery Terms In this field, you select the delivery terms for the current subscription order. Maconomy automatically suggests the delivery terms which are used on the customer information card, but you can alter the value in this field.

Delivery terms are defined in the window Popup Fields in the set-up module.

Invoicing Island

Field Description
Blanket Invoice You can mark this field if you want to invoice the subscription order in a blanket invoice. Maconomy suggests the value from the Customer Information Card, but you can change it.

Blanket invoicing means that all non-invoiced deliveries to customers with the same bill-to customer, the same currency, the same department, the same warehouse, and the same responsible company are invoiced in one invoice. This takes place in the window Invoicing.

Preferred Inv. Date In this field, you can enter a preferred invoice date. The date is used in connection with the next invoicing. If you do not enter a date, the invoice date will correspond to the date on which invoicing is done.
Batch Invoice In this field, you can specify whether the current subscription order should be included when running batch invoicing in the window Print Invoice in the Sales Orders module. If you unmark the field, the subscription order is not included in batch invoicing, even if the field “Create Subscription Invoices” is marked in that window. Therefore, if you unmark the field, you can only create invoices for the current subscription order in the window Sales Orders or by invoicing on account using the action “Print Invoice On Account” in this window.
Batch Credit In this field, you can specify whether the current subscription order should be included when running batch crediting in the window Print Credit Memo in the Sales Orders module. If you unmark the field, the subscription order is not included in batch crediting, even if the field “Create Subs. Credit Memos” is marked in that window. Therefore, if you unmark the field, you can only credit the current subscription order using the action “Prepare Crediting” in this window.

Invoicing on Account Island

Field Description
Amount In this field, you can enter an amount to be invoiced on account exclusive of tax. Note that the invoice on account is posted by accruing the amount invoiced on account exclusive of tax on the current customer’s account. At the final invoicing of the subscription order, the amount invoiced exclusive of tax is balanced against the amount invoiced on account exclusive of tax.
Tax In this field, you can enter the tax amount to be invoiced on account. Note that the tax amount of the invoice on account is posted on the account for the tax code registered on the subscription order. At the final invoicing of the subscription order, the tax amount invoiced is balanced against the tax amount invoiced on account.
Calculate Tax In this field, you can mark whether Maconomy should calculate the tax amount on the basis of the amount entered in the field “Amount” in this island or if the tax amount stated should be maintained. If you mark this field, the tax amount is calculated each time the invoice amount is changed. If you enter a tax amount in the field “Tax amount” above, the mark in this field is automatically removed by Maconomy.
Description In this field, you can enter a text for the invoice on account. The text in the field is automatically set to “Invoice On Account” by Maconomy, but it can be changed manually.
Items on Account This field shows the total amount invoiced on account exclusive of tax on the current subscription order. The contents of the field are automatically updated upon use of the action “Print Invoice On Account” and cannot be changed manually.
Tax on Account This field shows the total tax invoiced on account on the current subscription order. The contents of the field are updated automatically upon use of the action “Print Invoice On Account” and cannot be changed manually.

Contact Management Island

Field Description
Campaign No. In this field, you can enter the number of a campaign if the current subscription order is assigned to a certain campaign in the Contact Management module. If you enter a campaign number, Maconomy transfers the number to the lines created in the table part. The campaign number can be used for, for example, statistical purposes.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.