Draft Invoices Subtab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Draft Invoices subtab.

Field Description
Job Number Copy to come.
Job Name Copy to come.
Bill to Customer Number Copy to come.
Bill to Customer

This field shows the name of the bill to customer associated with the job.

Invoice Currency Copy to come.
Billing Price, Invoice Currency Copy to come.
Billing Price Up/Down, Invoice Currency Copy to come.
Invoice Copy to come.
Preferred Invoice Date This field shows the invoice date specified when you created the draft invoice.
Draft Number Copy to come.
Blanket Draft Copy to come.
Invoice Name Copy to come.
Up/Down, Time Copy to come.
Currency (Job) Copy to come.
Customer Number Copy to come.
Customer Copy to come.
Company Number Copy to come.
Company This field shows the name of the company responsible for the current job.
Settling Company Number Copy to come.
Settling Company

This field shows the name of the settling company that applies to the current job.

Department Copy to come.