Transaction Error

The Transaction Error tab in the Interface form allows you to set the Transaction Status for errors that occur when data is being sent to SAP. You can set the status to Error or Ready.

For example, while exporting data to SAP a connection error occurs. The error is recorded in the Error Log. If the transaction's status in the Interface Out Queue is Error, the OUT_SAP service will not attempt to send the record the next time it runs. If, however, the transaction's status in the Interface Out Queue is Ready, then the OUT_SAP service will be able to send the record the next time the service runs.

See Also:

Interface Transaction Error Field Descriptions

Find Interface Transaction Error Records

Add an Interface Transaction Error

Modify an Interface Transaction Error

Delete an Interface Transaction Error


Interface Transaction Error Field Descriptions

Interface Name, Interface Version

Name and version number of the Interface selected at the top of the Interface form.

Transaction Name

Name of a transaction included with the Interface. Available options are outbound transactions for SAP.

Error Code

Displays ALL if the Transaction Status will be applied to all error codes for the Transaction Name. Otherwise this field displays a specific Error Code.

Transaction Status

Determines what a transaction's status will be in the Interface Out Queue when the specified Error Code occurs.

The error will be recorded in the Error Log regardless of this Transaction Status. If the Transaction Status is Error, the record cannot be sent by the OUT_SAP service. If the Transaction Status is Ready, the record can be sent by the OUT_SAP service.


Use this field to enter any comments for this record (e.g., information about why a particular Error Code has a particular Transaction Status).

System Required

If this box is checked, the record cannot be deleted.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find Interface Transaction Error Records

Click the Filter button in the Transaction Error tab to display the Transaction Name and Error Code filter fields.

Use these fields to display specific records in this form.

Click Find to display only the transactions and error codes you selected in the Filter fields.


Add an Interface Transaction Error

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Interface and select the SAP Interface.

  2. In the Transaction Error tab, click Add.

  3. Select the Transaction Name and Error Code for which you want to modify the Transaction Status.

  4. Set the Transaction Status to Error or Ready.

    The error will be recorded in the Error Log regardless of this Transaction Status. If the Transaction Status is Error, the record cannot be sent from the Interface Out Queue by the OUT_SAP service. If the Transaction Status is Ready, the record will be sent from the Interface Out Queue by the OUT_SAP service.

  5. Use the Comments field to enter a comment or description of this record.

  6. If you only want to save this record, click Save. If you want to save this record and add more records, click Save and Add.


Modify an Interface Transaction Error

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Interface and select the SAP Interface.

  2. In the Transaction Error tab, select a record and click Modify.

  3. Change the Transaction Status and enter any Comments as necessary.

  4. Click Save.


Delete an Interface Transaction Error

You cannot delete an Interface Transaction Error record if the System Required box is checked.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Interface and select the SAP Interface.

  2. In the Transaction Error tab, select a record and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.