Other Properties tab (Leave Policy form)

The Other Properties tab on the Leave Policy form includes the balance’s settings for overdraw and carryover. It also specifies the number of pay periods that will pass before a balance will close out (to allow for adjustments on the previous balance).

See Also:

Other Properties Field Descriptions

Adding an Other Properties Record to a Leave Policy

Modifying the Other Properties Record in a Leave Policy


Other Properties Field Descriptions


The Overdraw setting indicates whether the system will allow an attempt to draw from a balance that will lead to a negative balance.

Ignore: Select Ignore to allow the balance to be overdrawn without any notification or warning.

Forbid: Select this option if you do not want balance overdraw to occur. The employee will receive a warning message and the event will not post.

Confirm: Select Confirm to allow the user to decide whether to allow balance overdraw or not.

You can also specify an Overdraw Amount (see below) to allow the balance to be overdrawn by a specific amount.

An employee may receive an insufficient balance warning or an overdraw warning, depending on how their Attendance Policy is configured.

The insufficient balance message indicates that there are insufficient balances to cover the event. Insufficient balance warnings are configured in the Attendance Policy (when Balance Check is set to Forbid or Confirm). The overdraw message (configured when Overdraw in the Leave Policy is set to Forbid or Confirm) indicates that posting the event will lead to a negative balance.

For example, an employee’s Attendance Policy has Balance Check set to Confirm. The Leave Policy for the vacation leave type code has Overdraw set to Confirm and has an Overdraw Amount of 8 hours.

An employee has only 1 hour left in his vacation balance. The employee tries to post 10 hours of vacation. Although the Overdraw Amount (8) increases the available balance from 1 to 9, the balance is still insufficient to cover the event. Therefore the employee will get an insufficient balance warning.

If the employee tries to post 8 hours of vacation, the balance (9) is sufficient to cover the event, so there will be no insufficient balance warning. However, this event posting will cause the balance to become negative, so the employee will receive an overdraw warning. If the employee chooses to continue posting the event, his vacation balance will go to -7.

Overdraw Amount

You can specify an Overdraw Amount to allow the balance to be overdrawn by a specific amount. The balance units (Occur or Hours) are displayed next to this field name.

The Overdraw Amount is considered when the system determines whether there are sufficient balances to cover an event. For example, an employee has only 1 hour left in his vacation balance. The Overdraw Amount is 8 hours. The Overdraw Amount increases the available balance from 1 to 9.

Maximum Carryover

Maximum number of units in the balance that will be carried over to the next accrual period. The balance units (Occur or Hours) are displayed next to this field name.

Negative Carryover

Check this box if you want a negative balance to carry over into the next balance period.

Pay Periods To Close

Number of pay periods that must pass since the period end date of the previous balance before the ACCRUAL service will close the old balance. This setting allows for end-of-year adjustments against the previous balance. Set this value to 0 if you want the ACCRUAL service to immediately close the previous balance.


Adding an Other Properties Record to a Leave Policy

When you add a new Leave Policy, click the Other Properties tab to add your overdraw and carryover settings. Make sure you configure the other tabs on the Add Leave Policy form (Leave Type Code, Effectivity, Accrual, Events) before you click Save.

See Add a Leave Policy and Other Properties Field Descriptions for more information.


Modifying the Other Properties Record in a Balance Policy

When you modify a Balance Policy, click the Other Properties tab to change your overdraw and carryover settings. Make sure you make any needed changes to the other tabs on the Modify Balance Policy form (Leave Type Code, Effectivity, Accrual, Events) before you click Save.

See Modify a Balance Policy and Other Properties Field Descriptions for more information.